вторник, 9 сентября 2008 г.

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As I mentioned in a previous entry not so long ago. Barack Obama is where I will hang my hat when it comes time to vote in November. Heapos;s done a few things and said even more that brought me back over to his side, not to mention I really donapos;t want to throw away a vote with the chance of having four more years of George W. Bush style politics playing out all around me. In the age of the internet you would think that anyone whose not quite sure whom they want to vote for can easily find out damn near anything via a few button presses. Sarah Palin talks a good game but her games falls apart in less than an hour if you choose to look into it. Alaskanomics, her reference to God in any number of items, be it an oil pipeline, the war in Iraq, you name it. Iapos;ve already seen enough of her to know that given the living fossilapos;s (McCain) age. I DO NOT want a moose stew (WTF) loving, hockey mom, who was for the "Bridge To Nowhere" before she was against it one heart beat away from taking control of the country. What next? Levi becomes Secretary of Defense because he played defense for the Wasilla Wombats in some hockey rec-league.

Come on folks, this one is easy. If your still not sure then let me share this observation by Adam McKay. "Money and jobs are flying out of this country as our currency becomes worthless and weapos;re talking about the fact that McCain is a veteran. If someone busted into your house and robbed you would you then forgive them if you found out they were a veteran? Of course not. So why are we forgiving McCain for selling out his country by supporting the Bush agenda?" HAGO AATR

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