Sometimes I wish I didnapos;t realize what a basket case I am.
Has anyone ever stopped to really ask why Iapos;ve done so many of my own mods? Why I donapos;t do them right, and why Iapos;m not that upset that Iapos;ve screwed them up?
Did you ever think maybe itapos;s because I trust myself with these things and Iapos;d much rather have myself to blame?
I think I need to work on my trust issues. Pronto.
...I say while I watch my family do something stupid. Again. And not be able to offer the help that they should.
Even Ianapos;s first wife could go home. Doesnapos;t matter if it was sane or stable. She had a family to go home to.
Mope. Mope.
*wanders off to staple her hand to her forehead so she can look like sheapos;s bleeding tears*
Also, fuck ragweed. In itapos;s tiny tweenus. Seriously. I sneezed something like 8 times in a row. Iapos;m normally a twice, quickly kind of girl. Buh. Breathing. Hi. How are you?
Plus it took me four tries to explain to someone why Iapos;m pretty sure my new boss doesnapos;t like me. Mostly everytime they went on rants about my old boss Jess.
Hereapos;s the deal. I donapos;t think Shannon likes me. This has nothing to do with Jess. I know Jess liked me. She was open and easy to read. Shannon is not and that unnerves the piss out of me. Which means Iapos;m taking it neutral to negative.
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