вторник, 30 сентября 2008 г.

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Faso Dance With Weld?

News Copy has learned that State Conservative leaders are now openly questioning the judgment of the State GOP for suggesting that Faso could be run as Weld's number two.

The inside scoop first reported by Fred Dicker of the New York Post has been confirmed, with the these additional details:

(a) State Conservative Party leaders have added that Weld's candidacy won't be anymore appealing with a conservative Lt. Gov., not Faso or anyone else.

(b) Faso's apparent dance with Weld is angering Conservative donors and party faithful, who view even the consideration by the Columbia County native as a betrayal of his traditional base (Faso has not denied the rumors he could be Weld's Lt. Gov. Pick).

Conservative Party leaders are edging closer to fashioning their own ticket, though mum's the word on who and when (probably not until at least after the first of the year or much closer to the spring of 2006).

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