1. Who is the man behind the Bat?
2. What does it take to really get to him?
3. Does he secretly relish this game of ours, the way I do?
4. Should I burn down Gotham, or find a way to get its not so good citizens to tear themselves apart?
5. Why arenapos;t all jokes funny?
6. Why does anything have to make sense at all?
7. Who said killing was wrong?
8. Thereapos;s nothing wrong with pain and pleasure being so close together, is there?
9. Do I truly complete him, as he completes me?
10. Whatapos;s his obsession? Really, truly?
11. Why is money such a big deal to so many people?
12. Knives or fire - which are more fun to play with?
13. And you knew I was going to ask this one, didnapos;t you - WHY SO SERIOUS???
Muse: The Joker
Fandom: Batman
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