вторник, 2 сентября 2008 г.

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Sometimes, itapos;s not that you canapos;t pick yourself up, itapos;s just that during these times, you just want to wallow in that shithole and sulk a while. Donapos;t you get tried? Because I know I get tired.

Iapos;ve learnt from experience that nobody can help you but yourself. So, itapos;s no use hoping and praying that someone will sit up and take notice of your situation. Nobody is going to come to your rescue.

apos;Chin upapos; They say, apos;Tomorrow will be a better dayapos;. I say, apos;Go fuck yourself. What the fuck do you know?apos;

You know, thereapos;s no going back up when youapos;re going down. You just sink further in till thereapos;s no way up even if you want to.

They say postive attracts positive. The Law of Attraction. So thatapos;s why drug addicts attract drug addicts? Is that what theyapos;re saying?

Sometimes you try to salvage a situation and in desperation, you dig the hole deeper and deeper.


The mind is a great tool. Control it to be happy.

Believe you will be happy and so it shall be. Itapos;s as simple as that.

Whatapos;s not to like about Life? Yeah, thereapos;s ups and thereapos;s downs but everything needs a balance. If thereapos;s good, thereapos;s bad. If thereapos;s yin, then thereapos;s yang. The�trick is to��focus on the positive more.

Wallow. But make sure you pull yourself back together after that.

If the World fucks with you, you fuck the world back

In order to truly learn, you have to touch the boiling kettle not just look at it.

You are one of the little details that make me smile. If you left, I would be sad for a while but Life would still be good coz I want it to.

Happiness has to be learnt and can be controlled. The same goes for sadness.

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