My friendapos;s momapos;s body recently just froze. She can only murmur but she canapos;t walk or move. That reminded me of my mom and some of you may not know but my mom is kinda paralyzed. She canapos;t talk, move, nor walk. Despite these things happening, I know its a blessing. It is damaged and sad to our eyes but God does everything for a reason, and He does it for a good cause. We are left here to be tested on our patience and faith. So we need to think straight.
well wasnapos;t that a sermon haha. Just felt like it. Letapos;s talk about today. Practice was awesome my classmates did their best and that, to me, was their best performance yet. We got them complimentz from higher grades. And you thought all we could do was talk.
i was just playing the guitar a minute ago. Iapos;m getting better but Iapos;m still not that good. I tried to play several songs.
my gosh I love paramore so much. For all yaapos;ll fans, parawhorez for life, yo. Haha. Hope they come to the phils. Soon.
peace elena
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