I canapos;t for the life of me find this movie.� I did look on IMDB and do a google, but maybe Iapos;m just dense.� I saw it on TV about 5 years ago, but it felt older -- from the 1980apos;s (or even 70apos;s?).� It may have been made for TV also.
I thought that John Lithgow played this lawyer/investigator type, who was sent to figure out what caused the death of a soldier in the field.� His unit all give a vague story about how it was his own fault.� One of them is in a wheelchair (I thought, played by Timothy Hutton).� I think the dead soldier was black, and they all pretend like they werenapos;t prejudiced, but they were�(or else, the dead soldier was white, and he was prejudiced against some members of his unit who were black, but they cover that up for a while).� Everyone involved�is really young, practically like a military school�rather than the actual�army.� The John Lithgow-type-guy at one point goes to his old mentor for advice, and heapos;s about to quit but in the end he figures it out.� Somehow it is the fault of the wheelchair guy.
Both Lithgow and Hutton have been in military movies, but none of them match up to this plot (AFAICT).� Wheelchair-guy, now that Iapos;m thinking about it, reminds me of C. Thomas Howell?� But his IMDB page doesnapos;t list anything like this either.� It seems like whoever wheelchair-guy was, he had been in other movies/TV as a teenager.
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