среда, 17 сентября 2008 г.

lyman b goff junior high school

"Using current cell phone usage estimates, researchers determined that drivers talking on their phones account for six percent of U.S. Automobile accidents each year, killing an estimated 2,600 people and injuring 330,000 others. As a result, consumers spend an estimated $43 billion a year on the economic costs (medical bills and loss of life) of cell phone related accidents."

"Instant aging" is how researcher and psychology professor David Strayer describes the effects of yakking on a cell phone on a teenagerapos;s ability to notice and respond effectively to changes in the driving environment -- such as the brake lights of the car ahead suddenly coming on. "If you put a 20-year-old driver behind the wheel with a cell phone, his reaction times are the same as a 70-year-old driver," Strayer says. The test subjects -- all in the 18 to 25 age group -- needed 18 percent more time to recognize and respond to brake lights coming on and took longer to re-adjust their speed after slowing down. It didnapos;t matter whether the cell phone was hand-held or hands-free. The factor affecting reaction times was divided attention -- a driver trying to focus on the road and his conversation at the same time."

SO At what point and time did we decide that peoplersquo;s ignorance, careless self centered behavior was an accident that had to be paid for by the rest of ... Well the rest of the world basically?

An accident is a specific, identifiable, unexpected, unusual and unintended external event which occurs in a particular time and place, without apparent or deliberate cause but with marked effects.

The recent Train Engineer that may have crashed killing and injuring tons of people may have actually been texting missing the stop signal due to a cell phone. If it is true I wonder if we will ever know about it. The union will pay out some serious cash to keep that gagged. Please keep in mind here, it is only a suggestion the Engineer was using the phone... But you will not how every god damn print and electronic media has latched onto it which sort of tells me that minus the cell phone industry the rest of the world actually knows how distracting the use of any cell phone can be. The Engineer was working a split shift already and I know that it is normal in a lot of professions. However, it has been proven time and time again that certain types of jobs should be normal 9-5 with down time... My feeling is this is one of them. I mean itapos;s not like you have the safety of hundreds of people to worry about or anything like that.
Oh yeah and hang on the cell phone industry continues to say that using a cell phone while driving is no more a hazard then picking ones nose.�Not sure about you but I�like to go�long�and deep. ;-)

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