вторник, 30 сентября 2008 г.

loghi scaricare suonerie

Faso Dance With Weld?

News Copy has learned that State Conservative leaders are now openly questioning the judgment of the State GOP for suggesting that Faso could be run as Weld's number two.

The inside scoop first reported by Fred Dicker of the New York Post has been confirmed, with the these additional details:

(a) State Conservative Party leaders have added that Weld's candidacy won't be anymore appealing with a conservative Lt. Gov., not Faso or anyone else.

(b) Faso's apparent dance with Weld is angering Conservative donors and party faithful, who view even the consideration by the Columbia County native as a betrayal of his traditional base (Faso has not denied the rumors he could be Weld's Lt. Gov. Pick).

Conservative Party leaders are edging closer to fashioning their own ticket, though mum's the word on who and when (probably not until at least after the first of the year or much closer to the spring of 2006).

toadman, loghi scaricare suonerie, loghi sara e pol, loghi san valentino.

state accountancy boards

Havenapos;t updated in a bit.

right now, iapos;m in class... Learning how to use a movie program. Sooo i figured iapos;d take this time to do some quality not-paying attention seeing how i know how to use this. Haha

lately things have been going really well, just really busy. For example - today i had class 830 - 10, took a short nap. Then i have class 11-1215, class 1230-145, then i have to do laundry and homework until 5, when i have my ESS (environmentally sustainable students) meeting, then quick dinner, then i help out a college fair from 630 - 9 then i have a group meeting for a project at 920ish. Damn

uuuuhm..... Yeah? other than that... Lots of people visiting snhu lately bwaise came up saturday on a whim, erica and a possible tony are coming up friday, and then bwaise and ryan are coming up next weekend. Then the next weekend a possible umass visit? first ever? i think so

well, iapos;m gunna stop typing seeing how no one else is tying and i look weird just sitting here typing when the guy is doing a presentation...

kabuki make mask up, state accountancy boards, state accredited drug rehab florida, state achievement test, state achievement tests, state acreage.

воскресенье, 28 сентября 2008 г.

john b severance

I was watching the SNL Sarah Palin skit riffing on the Couric interview (which is SO meta in and of itself), and I was laughing along...

...and then I realized that Tina Fey actually incorporated part of Sarah Palinapos;s answers into the skit. My GOD, people - our presidential election has degenerated to the point where our comedy shows are just taking the transcripts wholesale.

I donapos;t know whether to laugh or weep. WE WERE THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD - WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED.

lambergineys, john b severance, john b sebastian, john b scott golf, john b scott amarillo, john b scott.

суббота, 27 сентября 2008 г.

sologne parc des alicourts

Trying to be as objective as I can be, I think the debate was, first of all, dreadfully boring. Secondly, I think it was basically a wash. No one knocked it out of the park, and no one really screwed up. Obama came off as focused on substance and perhaps too professorial, McCain came off as harping on his experience and dismissive of Obama. I doubt either will get a big boost out of this.

Now next Thursday, that should be interesting.

paula poundstone home movies, sologne parc des alicourts, sologne parc des alicourts pierrefitte, soloh, soloheadbeg, soloheadbeg ambush.

пятница, 26 сентября 2008 г.

opium perfumed body oil spray

Itapos;s pretty much done. Just need to practice a few more times and maybe fine-tune a couple of things. I think itapos;s pretty good. I havenapos;t spoken in front of a group for awhile, and I need to remember to breathe while I talk :).

My presentation is Thursday afternoon, of course itapos;s the last one in the session so I get to sweat it out for an hour and a half :P. The conference should be fun though. Hopefully thereapos;s some people there that I know.

hydraulic bicycle, opium perfumed body oil spray, opium perfumes, opium photo poppy, opium picture, opium picture poppy.

paul brown wbir

You wouldnapos;t have believed it, even if youapos;d of seen it with your own two eyes.

she was petite, a misguidingly strange figure with bare feet and dark eyes. The rain always seemed to make her skin paler, moonlight making her seem leaner, and the figure at her side making her seem ethereal. A distant, forgotten angel.

but he didnapos;t forget, standing beside he like a satellite sent to be artificial company. He was a figure of dreams and of irrational things. Not a monster, but a beautiful face with fingers tangled deep into the air of reality. He was lust and conquered id, seething uncaged anger and righteous mutilation under platinum locks. Wearing only the malice of a thousand broken hearts, of a million loversapos; lies, and only one shattered dream. His own.

they walked together down the streets of every city, until nothing was left. Together.

at last.


i walked into the bar, twisting my wrist in a swift motion. The blood splattered perfectly against the dirty concrete walls. Nothing was clean, everything caked in ages of dirt and years of sin. I was holding my breath, but immediately lost control after the 23rd heartbeat of my own heart. Someone elseapos;s was beating with mine.

apos;irrationalapos;, i said to myself. apos;to feel such a strong current of life flow through me.apos; i looked around and i saw nothing except broken debris. Old souls rotting in their fleshy containers. Old, young, new, used. All rotting away in their own hells.

i looked to the stage and i saw a flash of skin, dirty fingernails and bloodshot eyes reaching for what they thought to be justification of their own existences.. And then as the screaming began i watched her move behind the shadows. Always flaunting what she didnapos;t need. The current model she was test driving was tall and deathly skinny, a drug addict, and self-perpetuated fuck toy for men and their endless drives.

of course, she did this as some kind of punishment. She hadnapos;t seen me yet, and i was beginning to enjoy the way she moved the hips on this body. Like knives stabbing the air, back and forth. I let my face fall half-way into the milky stage light, for dramaapos;s sake.

i felt her heart stop. It was borrowed, but still hers in essence. And she was still beautiful, in her own sort of desperate way. Those eyes were still so large, so full of questions, and of truth she longed to hide. In nothing more than a second she disappeared.

i did not chase ghosts and she had not set out to be found. I left this hell to tear itself apart, i wasnapos;t needed here. I was at the end of the bar when i heard the glass scrape against the stained wood.

".. Wait." her voice was quiet, always was. Like someone had blared music, then turned it to just above being off. Jesus i had to strain to understand why she didnapos;t scream sometimes. Powerful words for such a small vessel. My eyes turned to see her figure, holding out a glass of something.

my lips curled back into a smile. She remembered.

she was still inside the other figure when i broke the glass and pressed it hard enough against her flesh to leave a circle of jagged cuts on her decollage. She didnapos;t smile or scream, just inhaled sharply. Oh it was music to my ears to hear that.

"itapos;s been a long time." i whispered as she held perfectly still. "where are you?" she didnapos;t move, but pointed to behind the stage. Shoving the broken neck into her eye, i let the body fall and followed her invisible pointing finger.

no one noticed, not in their own hell.

i went through several doors before i came to an appropriate setting. So modest, and clean. Unlike everything else. It was underneath a soft veil of lace her real body slept peacefully. I couldnapos;t tell how long sheapos;d been like this, but from the fact the door had been bricked over meant it had been at least several decades.

i felt ironic as i leaned down to kiss her. Evil does not awaken the damsel, it consumes her beloved and leaves her broken. But we werenapos;t a fairy tale either. She didnapos;t wake up and i knew why. But i rather liked her when she was asleep.

kxlp radio, paul brown wbir, paul brown uv conditioner, paul brown up front, paul brown tiger stadium, paul brown the city cd.

четверг, 25 сентября 2008 г.

metrolina fair grounds

It has been about a year, or more since I have signed onto Livejournal. Some of the friends I had here have moved on, others, like me, just stopped signing on. I am tired of dwelling on the past, hence the new journal. I only wish to look forward, looking back constanly just slows you down. It is nice to look back on the good memories, but it is time to make new ones.� Most of this journal will be friends only, there will be a few posts to be viewed by all, such as this one.

And one last note: I am not perfect, I never have been, and I never will be. But I am finally happy with myself, it has taken me 23 years to get here, and no one is taking that away from me.� :)

masquerade infernale, metrolina fair grounds.

slob job

Back during the Savings Loan meltdown, McCain was part of a group of Senators known as the "Keating 5." These Senators had received significant campaign donations from Keating, and when the SL crisis hit, they pressures one of the regulators to "go easy" on Keating, trying to protect him from his own illegal behaviour. At the time, it was considered to be one of the most serious ethical breaches to have occurred in the Senate. This clip provides a great summary of the scandal and McCainapos;s role in it.

real estate as a career, slob job, slob 187 lyrics, slob 187.

среда, 24 сентября 2008 г.

saucepans for induction hob


So I havenapos;t updated for ages. In case youapos;ve forgotten, my name is Elizabeth Fong, Iapos;m 17 (18 in less than a month) and live in Sydney.

AND Iapos;M GRADUATING IN TWO DAYS EEEEEE Iapos;ve been studying heaps and stuff for final exams, so yeah been pretty busy.

But on October 12th Iapos;ll be legal, and then Iapos;ve got to sit for exams, but after that I get to go clubbing for the first time, and hang out at bars and play pool But mostly I just want a debit card so I can buy things off the net, and a Blockbuster membership card.

voicemalemusic, saucepans for induction hob, saucepans for induction hobs, saucepans for spitfires.