So I just discovered something very exciting.
RENT�is coming to LA, to the Pantages, in March next year. This in itself is not so spectacularly exciting. What IS�exciting about it is that Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp will be in the cast. In case you donapos;t understand what this means, the actors who originally played Mark and Roger (and reprised their roles for the film) will be again reprising their roles on stage. Here. In Los Angeles. I�AM�SO�THERE
Also, Phantom (of the Opera) is coming in Jan/Feb, and Mamma Mia is coming in April. I have always wanted to see Phantom, for ages and ages, so this interests me a lot. Mamma Mia I want to see because I looooooooooooove ABBA, but if�I�had to pick between it and Phantom, Iapos;d see Phantom.
I am a musical geek, get over it.
Random Tangent:
Now that I�actually think about it, I am a geek about a great many things. Libraries, museums, the written word, dictionaries, Jane Austen, Shakespeare, choral music, Harry Potter, cleaning things, all things Disney, cats, and The Beatles, to name a few things. Wow, it never really occured to me just how geeky I really am. Plus Iapos;m slightly awkward, verbose, klutzy, and have bad posture (which Iapos;m really trying to work on, I swear). And I say things like "jeepers" and "good grief" a lot.
Alrighty, Iapos;ve got things to do. Laters.
lee press reloading, reno job fairs, reno job fair, reno job connect, reno jeep eagle, reno jeep dealer.
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