четверг, 9 октября 2008 г.

oif lessons learned

Slightly evil courses tonight, which really wasnapos;t my intention.� I found the challenges to be interesting, but didnapos;t think it would cause trouble for just about every dog


The biggest issue was 6 to 7, which I thought would be a challenge, but only one dog managed it smoothly.� I ran London earlier and had a heck of a time with it. �I anticipated issues, so I wasnapos;t surprised when he went into the tunnel the first time�- but it took me like 4 tries to even get him NOT�to take that tunnel, no matter what I did �I tried rear crossing, front crossing, hanging back , decelerating- VOOOSH, off into the tunnel or a SUPER�WIDE�turn every time. �I really didnapos;t think it would be THAT�big of an issue.� Finally when I micromanaged that turn, front crossed between 56 and stayed facing jump 5 and backed up to #6 like a wrap I got the turn I�wanted.

That wasnapos;t the end of our issues though, I very rightly guessed that London would take that dogwalk going from 14-15 no matter what I did if I tried to keep him on my left.� So I ended up having to cross and pick London up RIGHT�at the tunnel to get him going in the right direction and not consider the dogwalk.� Now this issue didnapos;t surprise me at all, classic London move right there.

Anyway, between last weekapos;s class with classic Fenwick flubs and this week with classic London flubs, I have a clear goal for the trial this weekend. �I�WILL�work every obstacle� I wonapos;t take anything for granted, assume or be lazy with my handling� My dogs are very honest, if theyapos;re having issues it all comes back to me at this point�... Except for any butts in the air on the table.� London had fabulous contacts and weaves this week, so hopefully heapos;ll be good for Tammy.
oif lessons learned, oif medal.

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