Well, itapos;s Tues. And Iapos;m actually chilling
Yesterday, I was off and spend the day cleaning my entire house, doing all the laundry and mowing the yard. WHEW BUT, itapos;s no nice to get all the done while everyone is out of the house at school or work
Tonight is Bunco with the neighborhood ladies and weapos;re all really looking forward to it.
Last month was our first Bunco meeting and none of us knew how to play, so we learned.
It was a blast, let me tell you Even funnier were the women who had already had some wine
Itapos;s a very fast paced game of dice....
Friday, I leave at 1pm to go on a Ladies Retreat overnight with the ladies from church.
Sat. I have a Social Committee meeting with the neighborhood ladies to plan community events for the rest of this year.
Then, Sunday afternoon, I get together with the girlfriends from high school again.
I love having fun stuff on my calendar Bring on the holiday season
schedule performance index, pet stow away, pet storys, pet story submit, pet story animal planet, pet story.
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