суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.


Last night at work just shooting the shit with a guy trying to find something to read. Weapos;re talking horror novels while Iapos;m dropping books like Clive Barker and Richard Matheson. Weapos;re talking about varioius genres and the guy says the only genre Heapos;s never read is a western. I say Iapos;ve never read a western and this customer looks over insulted and says thats a damn shame. Not only that He goes off to recommend an old James A. Michener book called Centennial about a town in Colorada starting in the middles ages and working up until modern times. Apparently this is really well researched.
Now instead of telling this guy to fuck off for interupting a conversation I get real upset because shit I should at least read Lonesome Dove, I mean that won a pulitzer. Its only minutes afterwards after the guys walked away that I remember not only Blood Meridian but The Assassination of Jesse James. Shit I even read Cuba Libre which was kinda a western. I wanted to chase the guy down and defend the books I read...

hickingbotham homes, mylearningplan.com, mylearningplan.org, myleauge, myleauge.com, mylec.

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