Iapos;m Kristen. Married �19. Expecting baby #1, who is a boy�
How far along are you?
25 weeks, 6 days
What symptoms are you experiencing?
Oooi, stretching Being kicked almost constantly... Sometimes painful�And, you know, raging hormones.
How are you feeling?
Stressed about (maybe)�moving and not having a house yet, excited, ... Hungry ...
Any Dr. Appointments/ultrasounds/tests this past week and how did they go?
Not this past week, but I�have an appointment Thursday
Anything big happening in your personal life?
My husband may have a new job, they want him to start November 1st but we canapos;t afford to buy a house yet (should only take a few weeks to save up to rent something), so weapos;ll have to live with someone down there until we can. And, there are hardly any houses or apartments for rent in that area, so that adds to it. Eeek.
Questions you want to ask?
Donapos;t think I�have anything right now.
Any belly pics from this week?
Not presently. Perhaps later today...
Any food cravings?
Icees. Pizza. :(�Iapos;m hungry.
sarting over, jordan hill, jordan hill campus, jordan hill college.
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