I wish the Universe would stop this. I mean, itapos;s bad enough that Iapos;m most likely sacking a committee member this week, and likely losing my concert organiser/liaison to the Royal Welsh because of it. Plus my loans arenapos;t in and probably wonapos;t be in before my rent is due, so I get to explain that to the office tomorrow and hope they donapos;t evict me. Now, my main draw to the conference has had to pull out-- plus I really wanted to meet him-- and while that does save us money, it might affect how many people we get to actually come to the thing. (Especially since Iapos;ve no idea who else might turn up with advance warning, who might turn up without advance warning...altariel, zodiacs_cat, remind me to go over the hand signs with you). I have to give a lecture tomorrow that I manged to find something I needed to add today, so tomorrow will be a rush job. Iapos;ve a concert thursday, a cold that wonapos;t go away, and insomnia even on good days.
I think Iapos;m scheduling a nervous breakdown tomorrow night.
honesty sweet, mendip caravans, mendip and council, mendip, mendiolaza, mendiolas.
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