House fans
If i were, finally, to attempt watching series 4 where would you suggest starting so I donapos;t give up immediately? :P
(probably if I succeed getting back into it Iapos;ll go back and watch the missing episodes but Iapos;d rather not start at the beginning of series 4 because thatapos;s what killed my interest last time *fails as a fan*)
Other than shows that are on right now Iapos;m watching (Gossip Girl, SPN, Sanctuary...) I think Iapos;m going to attempt to catch up on House and then probably Numb3rs (though Numb3rs fans I may need some handholding to get past the Colby stuff) and then I guess I really ought to catch up on SGA (even if I am very much talking myself into the state of mind that is "if I donapos;t watch it then I still have episodes left to watch")
The at some point CSI and CSI NY will start on UK TV for me to watch. And I guess the new Skins :-S
What else am I missing?
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