If you donapos;t want to see lots of complaining, please leave now.
I feel dead tired. I didnapos;t sleep well at all last night. My dreams were restless and I donapos;t understand whatapos;s going on with them. Why are they so related to guns now? Surely Black Cat couldnapos;t have influenced my head that much. Not even Elfen Lied did, and I loved that manga to death. Rurouni Kenshin, too. But my dreams have focused on death lately. It frightens me.
But because of this, and because REM mode is a mode that I am in more than any because of my depression, I wake tired. REM uses energy and stands for Rapid Eye Movement. It is this that causes dreams. You go into this state for 30 minutes at first, then stay out of it a while... The longer youapos;re asleep, the longer the dreams. I canapos;t remember the exact increase. But my dreams tend to be long, and I can jump right back into them if I go right back to sleep and donapos;t get up. Hell, sometimes I still can even if I do
I really wanted to get some homework done tonight, but my mother was drunk again and she kept hounding my grandmother until I was forced to listen to her drunken crap. I told her my father wasnapos;t happy with her. It is doubtful she will remember that in the morning. So I have gotten no homework done, she interrupted Iron Will twice, and I was using that to relax By the time I got off the phone with her, I had a headache and I couldnapos;t relax, even when I watched the remaining hour of Iron Will.
Now I keep yawning. I should go to bed, but there are a lot of things I need to get done.�I also need to try to force some of the homework out of myself. But at this rate, Iapos;ll fall asleep here. I canapos;t stand drunks. If I were ever president, Iapos;d ban alcohol in the United States.
*head slams on keyboard, starts snoring.*
Amadi: Wake up, you have four more hours before you can go to sleep.
Uuuugh. Itapos;s too much. I donapos;t want to stay up. Not even music is keeping me up. I could blare metal in my ears, Children of Bodom even, and I�bet Iapos;d still fall asleep.
The good news: I got a new book today. Yay
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