�So far so good.
Since yesterday i lost
3 more pounds
18 in total
fasting works.
This is day 2 in my fasting period
and so is the last day�
and 1 thing that makes me nervous�
is that tommorrow is my grandmaapos;s
b-day and she is expecting me to eat.
Iapos;m like"i will" and in fact iapos;ll eat dinner
nothing else, but thursday iapos;m going to fast
and friday iapos;ll eat 500 cals.
I hate when my grandma start w/ the
"you havenapos;t eaten today and blah blah"
i donapos;t know what she worries about
Iapos;m not stick thin, iapos;m not even thin
i have enough fat in me to survive
for a month. =( i hate my body
orken pest control, lyric night still, lyric night still whitesnake, lyric night such.
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