Pursuant to my ambitions, I have cracked B. Alan Wallaceapos;s The Attention Revolution, a guidebook for shamatha practitioners. This fellow did some time as a Tibetan Buddhist monk, studying under the Dalai Lamaapos;s personal tutelage; he then got a physics degree from Amherst College, a Ph.D. In religious studies from Stanford, then taught at UCSB for a while. Heapos;s now director of an institute for "consciousness studies" in Santa Barbara, the goal of which is to provide a first-person perspective science of consciousness through the collaboration of neuroscientists and skilled meditators. (This confronts head-on Nagelapos;s objection of what itapos;s like to be a bat, or a monk: there are external markers for the state, but the idea is to allow oneself to observe oneself in detail and with some degree of reproducibility. I have been interested in where such a path might lead for quite some time now.)
Apart from the long list of bona fides, his prose reads well and makes sense. Iapos;ve done well with my physical workout program, and although I am perhaps motivated more by vice (self-confidence, self-image, girls) than by health reasons, the health reasons come along for the ride. ;) Motivation for meditation is going to be a bit different, but not egregiously so in terms of the day-to-day motivation and seeing it as important. If I do it for no other reason than that it makes me feel better at the end of the day, it will be worthwhile, but I can certainly hope other benefits will accrue.
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