среда, 13 августа 2008 г.

polaroid 8 portable dvd

Sheesh, i donapos;t EVEN know where to begin.
life is transitioning forward more and more each day.
progress is being made in my life, and i
barely have to lift a finger and anything i want
will happen. I have such amazing, loving, wonderful
family members who just want me, john, and oliver
to have the best possible life that can be had.
i know right, me... Actually appreciating my family
and all they do for me. Crazy but now, i have johnapos;s
family who does way more than their share of enough for us,
my family who tries so hard but often gets put on the
back burner, and my new family thatapos;s just beginning.

4 days ago i am officially halfway into my pregnancy.
can you believe it? i sure as heck cant. The past five
months have flown by, and yeah, sammi, you were right.
it is funny how drastically things change over just a mere
couple of months. And iapos;m gonna go ahead and get this out
while iapos;m thinking about it. Itapos;s probably me changing that� you
were most likely referring to, and im sorry to say that thereapos;s not
alot i would go back and do different. Sure, it makes me sad sometimes
that i canapos;t really hang out with the girls anymore, but sacrifices
have to be made. I mean, i have a family to worry about now.
you guys will all hopefully understand one day. Donapos;t get me wrong at all...
i still love you (sammi, lol), stephanie, and jessi more than i can
even express and i AM sorry that things went the way they have with
all of our friendships. But you three need to stick together at least for me.
donapos;t let any bullshit or nothinapos; come between yall. Everyone needs
to be needed and loved :) no matter what happens down the road,
iapos;ll never forget any of you. Maybe someday things will be different.
but for now, iapos;ve got a lot of growing up to do. I love you three though.<3
and youapos;ll all be invited to my baby shower. The choice to attend is yours.

and john if you read this, please donapos;t give me no guilt trip about missing
these girls. Because they were all i had for over a year. Love and
memories arenapos;t gonna fade that fast. My life centers around you now
and they obviously know that, so shush before you even start :p

Jacob Oliver Bradley. Little mister, they keep changing his due date around.
now theyapos;re saying December 26th instead of the 24th. Iapos;m just so ready to
meet him, and super scared about labor and delivery. I know iapos;ll be alright though.
i always have been, and always will be. Itapos;s so exciting, really. Iapos;ve started feeling kicks
and iapos;m finally actually gaining some pregnancy weight which ainapos;t so exciting :p
i have another ultrasound this friday and theyapos;re gonna make sure heapos;s developing okay.
i went to the doctor with Grandma Jean yesterday and she got to hear the heartbeat.
itapos;s like, 155 beats a minute which is like, double what ours is. Creepy but the doctor said
as far as she could tell by outside measurements and everything that he looked to be
just about the right size. He does have a big olapos; head though :p

never ever ever ever ever ever ever get an apartments/house/place to live in
without scouting the location first. Hotdamn, Crossroads looked dandy when we first
decided to move in, but shit, that place is god awful. Weapos;ve been there since January
and weapos;ve just now found a suitable place to bring the baby home to. Itapos;s a 2 bedroom and
2 bathroom trailer out in Piedmont, and itapos;s freakinapos; humongous. And itapos;s cheaper than our apartment.
we have a yard, washer/dryer connections, a big olapos; tub like Sisterapos;s, and a helluva lot more room
than in that teeny apartment. The next two weeks are gonna be kinda hectic probably, with all the
packing and moving trips back and forth, but it will be worth it when we get all settled away from
all the city noise and nigs. Iapos;ve been so anxious to get out of that apartment. And since john got
his old job back at Freeman, we have lots of monies again and we can get out of there.

damn this is quite a journal entry mayneee. Itapos;s like, almost 8:00 am and we gotta go pay
the security deposit for the new house in like, 2 hours and then breakfast at Cracker Barrel.
ROFL john has to work :D mmmbaconz.


orchard heights winery, polaroid 8 portable dvd.

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