пятница, 15 августа 2008 г.


I love my job. And i love the people that i work with so this is in no way a reflection of my thoughts on anyone. Remember my thoughts on the misuage of the world LITERALLY? this is similar, so please donapos;t take it too negatively.

sometimes when the receptionist answers the phone she says, "at the current time, we are not taking applications right now." the redundancy makes my ears burn (figuratively not literally). So, to ward off the evil i string together more redundant phrases: at the current time, right this very minute, for the time being, we are not taking applications right now.

this morning on the today show, they were interviewing some commentators on womenapos;s gymnastics. The issue being how bella cafrigginroli (iapos;m not a fan, heapos;s scary; but i like his wife better) accused the chinese team of having underaged athletes. Now, i donapos;t know if its true, i canapos;t imagine that they could really get away with it. They did look really young. When asked why they would lie or what would be the advantage of younger players, all three commenators said that it was because the athletes would not understand the magnitude of importance in the games would just be out there to have a good time and would compete better because of that." HA that is ridiculous. Did you see the look of fear on their faces? their way too thin bodies? they are chinese for goodness sake...they understand the magnitude of these games, probably more than anyone (and the magnitude was probably different for them). Younger might be better because their bodies had not yet fallen victim to the injuries that most always accompany the gymnast. They donapos;t yet have to favor one ankle, knee, shoulder over the other and can go full force. But, still, could you lie about have the team ages? hmmm

i loved the opening ceremonies but was dissappointed in the milli vanilli issue with the little eight year old girl. The one with the voice wasnapos;t "pretty" enough so they chose someone else to be the face of the song she was singing. Grow up with that hanging over your head. "we like your voice, but your face...meh" and the thing is, she was really cute.

be kind, for everyone is in some great struggle.
hraco, hracky velkoobchod, hracky.

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