пятница, 29 августа 2008 г.

nj multiple listings

So chris and i have decided our future.
of course i had my momapos;s help, without her iapos;d be lost and not know what to do, broke on the street. Sheapos;s the� brightest person i know.

Chris and I are getting married this month.
this year.
not a big wedding, no. Through the court. Weapos;ll have a get together to celebrate, itapos;s not just getting married for the heck of it.
we dontapos; have the money right now for a big wedding, and we want to move out, but, weapos;ve both decided we dontapos; want to move out till weapos;re officialy legally married. With eachothers names, etc. We want to move out by christmas and if luck is on our side, by thanksgiving. It would be lovely the sooner the better. All we need is a downpayment and catch up on money. Hopefuly weapos;re approved, if not iapos;m sure someobdy loves us enough to co-sign. ;] ha.
i canapos;t wait to have our own bedroom, our own spot, not this house smelling like smoke everytime we walk upstairs.. Oh and this way weapos;ll have a spot in the bedroom for when mathew comes to the apt to stay the night. Court will make it official that WE get him every other whatever over night.
thatapos;s scary.. Heapos;s not only going to be my boyfriends son, my fianceapos;s son, or my soon to be step son.. He WILL be.. I never ever thought that i would have a step anything except if my parents got re-married. Even then iapos;d call them my momapos;s husband or my dadapos;s wife. Never my step parent..
well; anyways.
we have a date picked, but weapos;re not telling that yet. Itapos;s a great date. Very great.
AND weapos;re having a get together with friends that weekend of the weekend after to celebrate that weapos;re married, and having a cute honey moon in the spring, etc.
itapos;s real this way too.

there are MANY reasons to why weapos;re getting court married instead of waiting, one reason why weapos;re not waiting is because when somebody asks you to marry them, theyapos;re asking you because "theyapos;d marry you right that second of they could" and if you say yes, youapos;re saying the same thing back to them. You dontapos; say yes so that you can wait a few months, thereapos;s no point in saying yes if you have to wait.. Usualy people wait for person reasons, waiting for a season or date or family member or something. Or saving money for the wedding.
if somebody is willing to marry someone, you shouldnapos;t have to wait a year. Why wait if youapos;re only having a court wedding? to see if itapos;s right? if you have to do that, then why say yes in the first place? lol.

now hereapos;s the fun part:
in 2012, four years from now, in september of that year, we are having a wedding. For us. Itapos;ll be a "vow-renewal". Itapos;ll be celebrated just like a real wedding. Iapos;ll walk down the isle in a wedding dress (my dream one) heapos;ll be in a tux, best men, brides maids, dad gives me away, etc. Weapos;ll have pictures, a reception with all the normal things, a bouquet toss, the special dance, mommy daddy dances for us and food and whatnot itapos;ll be as normal as a regular wedding, only itapos;ll be considered us renewing our vows.
four years gives us time to save money and etc.
this way we can spend four years in an aptt. Setting building credit, paying off debts, and hopefully by the vow renewal we can take the money we get from the wedding that people usualy give/the shower if we have one then, and put it towards a house. Four years in an apt will be enough. Weapos;ll be a few months shy of 25, if life goes how we want, 25 will be the perfect age to move into a house

I am awfully excited to do this.
I am ready i said yes for a reason, and weapos;ll be moving out as soon as possible.

i just thought iapos;d share in my excitement and joy and really great news.
i am soon to be mrs. Nicole marie vonhatten.
how weird is that. I never thought this would happen, and i often looked down on people marrying so soon. But if you truely love somone and know you can get through it all with there help, even the though times, then you should do it.
sometimes waiting around to see if they are the one, makes you find reasons for them not to be.
chris and i made it through being poor this summer. Of course we had nothing to lose, i mean the car and we couldnapos;t pay child support and we couldnapos;t pay the phone and it was tough. We both had empty bank accounts and had to borrow twentys from his mom to have gas to job search.
we made it through that without fighting once.
now we both have amazing jobs.

i shouldnapos;t have to explain myself on here though, if anybody asks for an explenation to why weapos;re doing this, i wonapos;t give it to them, i asked the only person whoapos;s oppinion mattered to me, and she is "gung ho" for it.

okay; well iapos;m off to clean for a bit, and relax and wait for christopher to get off work, i visited him on his break, he was so excited. I brought him hot food too home cooked. Ha. Okay okay, i didnapos;t cook it, his mom did. Butt, iapos;m still the one who brought it to him. Lol.
i sat with chrisapos; mom for .. Wow i mean my soon to be mother in law .. Sldkfj, anyways i sat with her for like two hours joking about mathew, jazz, chris, us, lol. I love that woman.

iapos;m off my love.

all my love- nic.

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