вторник, 26 августа 2008 г.

how to write dialog

Yay for the end of the first day of school. Letapos;s overview, shall we?

Last night I tried going to bed early. My original plan was eleven, but I didnapos;t turn out the light and get settled until midnight. And, of course, I couldnapos;t sleep. You see, Iapos;ve had this UTI thatapos;s been going on for three weeks now. I got it from not taking my pill fast enough (I think), but I never went to the doctor. I simply started using my preventative medication as a means to get rid of the infection. This helped immensely. After the first two days I felt moderately normal, except for one thing. I kept feeling like I had to pee when I really, really, REALLY didnapos;t. Like, Iapos;d go four times in a period of five minutes. I generally ignored this, and by the time I went to bed, I was so tired that Iapos;d just pass out. This was not the case last night, as I tried to go to bed two hours earlier than usual. Translation: Gina panicking at one in the morning. I just lay there and thought about how it felt, how annoying it was...and then itapos;d start to feel worse, and Iapos;d imagine my bladder physically inflamed (thatapos;s actually kind of what it feels like) and then Iapos;d start to panic because a full blown UTI is probably the worst, most uncomfortable, helpless feeling Iapos;ve ever experienced. The solution was using Ryan as a pillow and watching Harry Potter until I fell asleep. Luckily, Iapos;m never that tired when I wake up for the first day of class because Iapos;m too nervous.

Today I technically only had once class, but my goal was to add two. I had anatomy and Physiology at eight this morning. It was just an overview, of course, and the woman scared everyone by saying it was hard, and basically said that it was full and that was that. She ended class ten minutes early, and had those wishing to add the class sign a paper, even if we were already on the waiting list. She didnapos;t think this through, because it took so long for one person to sign the damn thing at a time, that the next class kicked us out. I got my name down, but I realized the section I wanted to get into was for honors only. Balls. I donapos;t think Iapos;ll get in, which means Iapos;ll have to take summer class and wait for Marquette until the Summer of 2010.

Next, I wanted to go to the psychology advising through "counter hours" (where you donapos;t need to make an appointment) to ask if I could switch to a BA and have my first semester chem (which I already took) and my first semester bio (which Iapos;m signed up for) cancel out Nats 101 and 102 (biology for nonscience majors). This would greatly expedite my graduation, as I wouldnapos;t have to take second semester chem and bio (I thought Iapos;d have to take two semesters of each for nursing, which was incorrect). She said no, crushing all my little dreams. But, not entirely crushed, since my failure to get into PSIO already did the job.

Next, going to bio lab which I hadnapos;t signed up for because I thought they had closed online registration (I was later to find that this was also incorrect). I got to the lab, and the TA told me that she doesnapos;t add people, but the woman who does was in her office. So I went there, asked, she said they were full. Full? All of them? Yes, full. She suggested that I go to the lab anyway, just in case someone drops one of the sections so I donapos;t miss out. And she also told me that all I had to do was register online. Stupid, stupid me for not double checking. Anyway, I went back to the classroom and stayed. It actually seems really interesting and kind of fun. A bunch of the homeworks are puzzles. One is almost exactly like minesweaper. I managed to get into one of the sections (only a late Thursday one opened up) but I really like the TA, and am hoping someone will drop her section. I was particularly annoyed because 24 people had signed up and were supposed to be there, and only 19 had showed up. This made me appreciate the classes that boot people out that donapos;t show up on the first day.

Also, I bought $450 worth of books for two classes. Three if you count the lab as separate (it technically is separate). I still have three classes worth to buy. If I get into PSIO I think Iapos;ll drop the psych of divorce, much to my own dismay (apos;tis one of the classes to which Iapos;m most looking forward).

Tucson took the pleasure of raining today, drenching my poor cloth shoes and making them go squish.

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