воскресенье, 31 августа 2008 г.

rokman exe

Basically, I went "Thatapos;s it, Iapos;m shaving my mustache" So I did. Since I looked more or less identical to when I still had the soup strainer, I did something dramatic with my sideburns too. Yes, I look like a 60s greaser. Iapos;m not leaving my room until everything grows back.
Oh yeah, and melatonin pills went from "Theyapos;ll help fix my sleep schedule" to "Theyapos;ll give me that sleep-deprived feeling I love so much any time I want" :D Itapos;s a handicap to give the mortals a bit more extra help before I get back into the competition.

ntruhs.com, rokman exe, rokmananov, rokmaninof.

psychoneuroimmunology graduate programs

Anyone else read this? My friend Rob lent me his copy of it.

If any of you folk who are on my flist are into hackan, trollan, or phishan, and also like some post-apoc sci-fi, the short story in this book "When Sysadmins Ruled The Earth" by Cory Doctorow is pretty lol and awesome. I would be willing to type it up if anyone is interested. 31 pages total with pretty large font.

Basically, the apocalypse begins with a massive worm virus which infects hundreds of thousands of zombie comps, DDosapos;s 90 of the internet, and proceeds to play out like the un-happy ending to apos;wargamesapos; or apos;hackersapos; (ie: thermonuclear/biological lollercaust), and ends with the sysops of major data centers (ie: Google) and other techs who run various backbone servers creating a new cyber government that rises out of the ashes.

pentax pcf wp review, psychoneuroimmunology graduate programs.

суббота, 30 августа 2008 г.

ornate letters and initials

Hoy mato, del verbo MATAR

No hay nada peor que jugar con las emociones de la perra tullida. Y mucho menos hacerla pasar de la tristeza a la ira en menos de 10 minutos justo en plena fase de recuperaci�n mental.

Cre�a que en espa�a segu�a siendo v�lido el contrato verbal, y m�s a�n si pretend�a formalizarse por escrito. Pues bien, por escrito, la hoja de reclamaciones dejar� constancia de la incompetencia inmobiliaria.

No habr� ni habitacion de bisol, ni conciertos en la gentalha, ni inauguraci�n a tres bandos... HABRA SANGRE

Esto va por los que en esta semana hemos sufrido la p�rdida, el enga�o, las roturas, las confusiones, la mierda, el asco...

simpson elementary school, ornate letters and initials, ornate light switch cover, ornate medieval bedroom sets.

liquid grooves

There are a lot more people here at starbucks now... Currently iapos;m sitting ona sofa part for the cafe.� a young mother with 2 kids are sitting in my square of sofa set... But my lappie is all plugged onto the wall and i have all the power i could have HAHAHAHAH....

so not sure what to do after this.� like i said before, i may need to buy some supplies.� food to today.� i donapos;t think i would want to go and eat outside... Alone...

hmmm... What to do ... What to do....

wayne newton agent, liquid grooves, liquid grooves exp, liquid grooves rmx.

inovative technologies

I really just donapos;t get it.

Why dont they like me?
I�never did anything to them.

I make their son happy
Iapos;m nice and polite to them

So why?

Why be so mean?
Why not like me?

It just hurts

And when shit like tonight happens when they make up some bullshit excuse just for us not to hang out.

And i know its not his fault
I�really do

But its not like i can get upset with them

Like all i wanna do before we leave for god knows how long is hang out with my boyfriend

Cuz i dont know when im gunna see him again

Grrrrr. I just dont know what to do

nothing i do is ever good enough for them for anyone

murmaids, inovative technologies, inovative technology, inovative turbo.

napster free trial offer

iapos;m SO over this week.
i think iapos;m ordering my new phone today.
and i need to go get something cute to wear
for tomorrow night.
i want to look cute.
i dyed my hair last night, itapos;s been awhile since
my hair has been WAY suuper black.
it looks real good.

hopefully it wonapos;t be lame tomorrow
night like because of certain cuircumstances.

i just painted my fingernails and the polish is already chipping off.
iapos;ll need to repaint them.
i acidentally bid on a vintage hat on ebay.
i think iapos;ll end up having to pay for it.
oh well at least itapos;s not some ridiculous amount.
just $6.00.
but thatapos;s liek a pack of smokes and an Arizona.
oooh well.

since iapos;ve been typing in here i havenapos;t been
writing as much in my actual journal.
oh well iapos;ll pick back up on it.

i need to figure all of this out.
ohkay here i go.
$10.58 to baby.
$20.00 to mat foster.
$10.00 for the Ebay shit.

i think thatapos;s all i owe.
i hope
saweet, my Dad is ordering my phone riight now.
this is awesome.
i think itapos;s time for lunch.
iapos;m outta this joint

phamton of the opera tickets, napster free trial offer, napster free trial hack, napster free trial download.

judy mcgrath mtv

Some years ago I�used to work front-of-house at one of Edinburghapos;s larger theatres. We prided ourselves on having a family slightly old-fashioned atmosphere and service-ethic which included actually showing people to their seats wherever possible. For some reason there were those who objected to this as well as those who objected to being asked to show us their tickets in the first place.

One night I�get this guy who just tries to brush past me, so I�stop him and ask to see his ticket which is then briefly waved at me and he tries to head off again I�stop him �the following takes place:

Me: Excuse me, Sir, I�need to see your tickets, please.
Eejit: I just showed you them.
Me: No, sir, I�actually need to see it not just that you have them.
Eejit: For f***apos;s sake I�had to show it to one of you idiots in the foyer
Me: (Showing remarkable restraint by now) Yes sir, but they would just have checked which level you were booked for and directed you here. Iapos;ll now show you to your seat.
Eejit: I know where my seats are; I�come here all the time. I can find them without your bloody help.
Me: Thatapos;s certainly your choice, Sir. However, I�still need to take the stubs from your tickets. (We didnapos;t actually bother most of the time, but itapos;s a good way to make them hand the thing over to be checked.)
Eejit: Oh for f***apos;s sake this is ridiculous

The ticket is thrust at me, quickly checked that itapos;s the right show and the correct theatre (youapos;d be surprised how many people came to the wrong one), the stub is removed and it is then snatched back out of my hand. He stamps off complaining loudly about what a show of incompetent a-holes we are in this sh***y dump. TIme passes and a few minutes before curtain I�see some people standing half-way up the aisle looking bewildered. I went up to them, asked if I�could help and was told that this was their row, but it was full. I�check the tickets and they are by the correct row and it is full. I take the tickets and move into the row to see what the problem is. Itapos;s usually someone in the wrong place - kinda why we try to usher people to the seats occasionally it was a double-booking. So I�get to the right spot and who do you think is sitting in the seat?

Got it in one.

Me: Sorry, sir but may I�see your ticket again, please?
Eejit: Youapos;ve already seen it.
Me: I�know sir, but there seems to be some confusion here and I�need to check it again.
Eejit: This is my seat and weapos;re not moving.
Me: It may well be sir, but I�still need to re-examine your ticket to make sure that there hasnapos;t been some kind of booking error. So if I could just see it for a moment I�would appreciate it.

There followed some grumbling and swearing as the tickets were recovered from the pocket and they were thrust at me. I�check the seat numbers and, sure enough, they were in the correct place. Just as I�was about to admit to a booking error and start trying to get the other folks new seats I noticed the information that allowed me to say the following:

Me: These are your (couple in aisle) seats, you (Eejit) should have been here yesterday.

I�even managed to say it without a triumphant grin. Under other circumstances Iapos;d even have found him another seat or offered a refund - hey we all make mistakes and we preferred people to come back - but I�really enjoyed showing him the door.

kayoko wakamatsu, judy mcgrath mtv, judy mcgrath contact, judy mcgrath biography, judy mcgrath bio, judy mcgrath.

пятница, 29 августа 2008 г.

the lottery book

Hi guys

Sorry if this is a dumb question - Iapos;ve never been to a con before, and I wasnapos;t sure who else to ask.

Iapos;m going to register for the Azaktraz event itself soon, but I also want to make sure that I get my accommodation registered, as I am coming from Australia and do not want to miss out.

Anyway, I was just wondering if there is any news on when the online registration for the accommodation will be up. I donapos;t want to call overseas- expensive and annoying to arrange with the time difference, but I donapos;t want to miss out.

Thanks, and please let me know if I am doing the wrong thing by asking this question here

kelly jo kuharski, the lottery book, the lottery by, the lottery by beth goobie.


Yeah, i have a Fringe show. Big flippin deal.
Your Mom has a Fringe show, they all say...

But seriously, I have a Fringe show and I am from out of Town. So I need some help.

If you get the urge to see some theatre this weekend, please consider coing to see mine.

The Show is called


Itapos;s about all the stupid actors that do the Fringe. (I like to poke fun at myself)

But thatapos;s not all.

This IndyFringe has been especially hard. Well, getting an audience-wise.
Folks just are not coming.
And when people come to the show, I get Gas money to get back home.
That is a good thing.
12 hours of driving in a car with gas in it is better than six months of pushing a car home.

Tot op it all off, two of myactors left the show. Mid-Run.
I have two more shows left before festival end.
Iapos;d go into the details of the how and whyapos;s, but Iapos;ll spare you.
Not to worry, though This small setback will only make it more entertaining.

This means that Two actors will be filling in for the other two that left.

So it might be the most entertaining hour you have ever seen.
We have to switch characters all the time. Without losing our minds and our place in teh script.

Maschistic? Youapos;re damn right. But the show must go on.

Here are the details:

playing for only two more shows at The American Cabaret Theatre
401 East Michigan Street. Above the Rathskellar.

SATURDAY�@ 1:30pm
SUNDAY @ 9:00pm

Tickets are only $10 and itapos;s cash only. Sorry.

And there will be free Juice boxes on hand to drink during the show.

So if you are able, please come check out how good I am at Improvising lines meant for someone else.

Please spread the word and bring a ton of friends.

Thanks, and Stay Awesome


scommettiamo che, riged, rigeback, rige racers.

sega smashpack

Iapos;ve identified the hours where Iapos;m at the lowest of low. Itapos;s when I canapos;t sleep from 3am to 5am. Depressing hours those...Tossed and turned and finally fell asleep near 9am after chasing certain demons away. When I was woken up, for some reason I had this line stuck in my head "Weapos;re just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl". Had a pretty strong feeling it was from a song. Turns out itapos;s from Pink Floydapos;s Wish You Were Here. What a fucking depressing song I havenapos;t listened to in a SUPER lonnnnnnnng while The brain works in funny ways.

I watched A Lot Like Love again with my sister. I feel like Ashton Kutcherapos;s character in the show now and to think I didnapos;t even feel like that when I�watched it three years ago. He said heapos;ll get his ducks "in a line" in a couple of years. I hope I get all my ducks in a row too :( Quote: "This is�your life right NOW. Itapos;s not going to wait for you to get back up on your feet."

l ansa, sega smashpack, sega smash pack volume 2, sega smash pack pc cheats, sega smash pack pc, sega smash pack gba rom.

xenia restaurant alamo

I keep trying to write in here every once in awhile. And then i get spooked. What the hell do i say? so much has happened. Yet i feel exactly the same as when i left off.
not sure the therapy is helping anymore. And i have three different types
i moved out of my old apartment. The one ive been in for 4 years. They raised the rent again. And it just pushed me out of my financial limits. I moved in with my friend Brian, who has a house. But right after i moved in, he took a job in Seattle. He is moving out, but keeping the house. I get to stay here, but i will have a new/unknown roommate or two.
FUCK i got myself all sick this past weekend. It was in my head, but now its in my throat. I keep coughing, but nothing really comes out. Im getting really tired... And i hate what i made for dinner...
my boyfriend, Nick, left town for about two weeks. He is in Houston right now. Getting ready to go to Alaska with his dad. Father-son fishing trip. I dont think i will miss him. I think i need the break. I hate that i just said that...

warned, xenia restaurant alamo, xenia restaurant, xenia real estate, xenia protopopescu, xenia propagation.

nj multiple listings

So chris and i have decided our future.
of course i had my momapos;s help, without her iapos;d be lost and not know what to do, broke on the street. Sheapos;s the� brightest person i know.

Chris and I are getting married this month.
this year.
not a big wedding, no. Through the court. Weapos;ll have a get together to celebrate, itapos;s not just getting married for the heck of it.
we dontapos; have the money right now for a big wedding, and we want to move out, but, weapos;ve both decided we dontapos; want to move out till weapos;re officialy legally married. With eachothers names, etc. We want to move out by christmas and if luck is on our side, by thanksgiving. It would be lovely the sooner the better. All we need is a downpayment and catch up on money. Hopefuly weapos;re approved, if not iapos;m sure someobdy loves us enough to co-sign. ;] ha.
i canapos;t wait to have our own bedroom, our own spot, not this house smelling like smoke everytime we walk upstairs.. Oh and this way weapos;ll have a spot in the bedroom for when mathew comes to the apt to stay the night. Court will make it official that WE get him every other whatever over night.
thatapos;s scary.. Heapos;s not only going to be my boyfriends son, my fianceapos;s son, or my soon to be step son.. He WILL be.. I never ever thought that i would have a step anything except if my parents got re-married. Even then iapos;d call them my momapos;s husband or my dadapos;s wife. Never my step parent..
well; anyways.
we have a date picked, but weapos;re not telling that yet. Itapos;s a great date. Very great.
AND weapos;re having a get together with friends that weekend of the weekend after to celebrate that weapos;re married, and having a cute honey moon in the spring, etc.
itapos;s real this way too.

there are MANY reasons to why weapos;re getting court married instead of waiting, one reason why weapos;re not waiting is because when somebody asks you to marry them, theyapos;re asking you because "theyapos;d marry you right that second of they could" and if you say yes, youapos;re saying the same thing back to them. You dontapos; say yes so that you can wait a few months, thereapos;s no point in saying yes if you have to wait.. Usualy people wait for person reasons, waiting for a season or date or family member or something. Or saving money for the wedding.
if somebody is willing to marry someone, you shouldnapos;t have to wait a year. Why wait if youapos;re only having a court wedding? to see if itapos;s right? if you have to do that, then why say yes in the first place? lol.

now hereapos;s the fun part:
in 2012, four years from now, in september of that year, we are having a wedding. For us. Itapos;ll be a "vow-renewal". Itapos;ll be celebrated just like a real wedding. Iapos;ll walk down the isle in a wedding dress (my dream one) heapos;ll be in a tux, best men, brides maids, dad gives me away, etc. Weapos;ll have pictures, a reception with all the normal things, a bouquet toss, the special dance, mommy daddy dances for us and food and whatnot itapos;ll be as normal as a regular wedding, only itapos;ll be considered us renewing our vows.
four years gives us time to save money and etc.
this way we can spend four years in an aptt. Setting building credit, paying off debts, and hopefully by the vow renewal we can take the money we get from the wedding that people usualy give/the shower if we have one then, and put it towards a house. Four years in an apt will be enough. Weapos;ll be a few months shy of 25, if life goes how we want, 25 will be the perfect age to move into a house

I am awfully excited to do this.
I am ready i said yes for a reason, and weapos;ll be moving out as soon as possible.

i just thought iapos;d share in my excitement and joy and really great news.
i am soon to be mrs. Nicole marie vonhatten.
how weird is that. I never thought this would happen, and i often looked down on people marrying so soon. But if you truely love somone and know you can get through it all with there help, even the though times, then you should do it.
sometimes waiting around to see if they are the one, makes you find reasons for them not to be.
chris and i made it through being poor this summer. Of course we had nothing to lose, i mean the car and we couldnapos;t pay child support and we couldnapos;t pay the phone and it was tough. We both had empty bank accounts and had to borrow twentys from his mom to have gas to job search.
we made it through that without fighting once.
now we both have amazing jobs.

i shouldnapos;t have to explain myself on here though, if anybody asks for an explenation to why weapos;re doing this, i wonapos;t give it to them, i asked the only person whoapos;s oppinion mattered to me, and she is "gung ho" for it.

okay; well iapos;m off to clean for a bit, and relax and wait for christopher to get off work, i visited him on his break, he was so excited. I brought him hot food too home cooked. Ha. Okay okay, i didnapos;t cook it, his mom did. Butt, iapos;m still the one who brought it to him. Lol.
i sat with chrisapos; mom for .. Wow i mean my soon to be mother in law .. Sldkfj, anyways i sat with her for like two hours joking about mathew, jazz, chris, us, lol. I love that woman.

iapos;m off my love.

all my love- nic.

prudential carolinas realty charlotte, nj multiple listings, nj muncipal, nj muni bond.

university of oklahoma sooners

Best news in the world?�Knowing itapos;s going to happen.

Worst news in the world?�Not knowing when.

School really complicates things. Itapos;s terribly frustrating. However, school is also forcing us to save, meaning big wedding and possibly our own house once we do tie the not. But what sucks?�Not knowing when any of it is going to go down.

Iapos;m a member of a couple different blog rings for weddings and Iapos;ve been looking through them finding cool ideas and such and they make me so excited�
.... Then I�remember that I�have at least a year to graduate from college before any of that can really fall into place. Rabbit and I�seem to have a system down at this point, but still.... When do I�get to be the bride and not the bridesmaid?
*sigh*�sorry all, just thinking too much I�guess. I�have all these awesomely awesome wedding ideas, but I�canapos;t seem to get them to work out (namely due to the fact that itapos;s not our time)�and that just kind of saddens me a bit. Oh well.

san nicolas pangasinan, university of oklahoma sooners, university of oklahoma softball, university of oklahoma shirt, university of oklahoma science and art, university of oklahoma school of nursing.

inuit igloos

On the 30MM showing now, she made a point in telling us that she always wash her hands in the kitchen, "if is needed or not". She tells us� that the pancetta is cured so no need to wash after words, but� that "she
"does it anyway"...

So, right after that, she handled the raw chicken sausages, DO NOT wash her hands at all, and proceed to touch everything else after that What kind of logic is that?

For those who didnapos;t see is particular episode, she cooks the sausages with the string attached to them.� She burned them, but insists that they have a� GORGEOUS color

maverick stores, inuit igloos, inuit image, inuit images, inuit images rubber stamps, inuit in canada.

четверг, 28 августа 2008 г.

raid 1 os x

Trusted that and insisted on a cold drink.

I in the minutes am putting my finger.

Far through a fallen trunk. A donut reference.

Here. Isn't something we should be doing.

But this is what my mind looks like. Plank.

G G G is full of an argument nobody wins.

Literally takes off with an eye full of circumstance.

And you bet me I can't recite a window of it.

Or you win. Or I. Trusting soul. Can count

To three desperately distracted by the phone.

yum repositories fedora core 3, raid 1 os x, raid 1 os, raid 1 or, raid 1 on windows xp, raid 1 on windows.

initial d episode summary

Todays weather - pissy( but awesome for an oversleeping pig )
school was kinda fast and all..
physics - mr ng was being wierd. Cant forget that stun gun face
english - the devil decided to fake sickness and not come. Nice trick bitch .
went for MOE test thing aft school - was super lame. I realised i forgotten all my sce 1 and 2 stuffs and some pri school stuffs as well. Fuck it.
rehearsal afterwards - practically slept through the whole thing. Damn nice but boring.
went psb room - saw din kenna scolding . Again . Sad . And�thr was nthing i could do . He looked kinda sad. For once .
went tm aft tht - think 2 people in the circle of trust think im pissed with them or something . But hell no
i just lost my mood cos of some other stuffs tht is plainless talking about.. So yea.�
chinese compo... Screw it. Fuck it.�
you should bloody fuck off. Yea you know who you are. Always telling people what the hell to do. The stuffs tht i fucking alrdy know and guess what you are not doing a shit . Wake up man . FUCK YOU .�
suck this phoney.�

thts all for today , peace out yall...

nuneaton borough f.c., initial d episode summary, initial d episodes.

united stated code

okay i was in a plane w/ my lil sister
and i guess weapos;d been taking lessons?
and she wouldnapos;t let me fly the plane
and she was really bad at it and she was hitting shit
and finally we crashed and our mom showed up
and was yelling @ her and she turned into like
half cheetah/half girl and looked like she was gonna kill me.

then it turns into me, my stepdad, my step sister,
this kid i just met, and my step brother in my stepdadapos;s truck,
on our way to the lake.
buuuut when we get there, it looks like itapos;s about to
rain...really bad. And i look up, and the wind is like...
forming a tornado like right next to us and so everyone
panics and we get in the car and my stupid step sister
is all fuckin chill about it and iapos;m just like "wtf you bitch, get in"

and on our way out of the lake it turns into some really
snowy woods and iapos;m like "when did it turn winter?"
and nobody answers. But then we pass this room, and i guess
we own it? but like...itapos;s just this random room in the middle of the woods,
and this lady police officer decides to search it for evidence. And finally she leaves and weapos;re all making fun of her for being such a dick.

then weapos;re all in the truck except my stepdad has now
turned into this one kid iapos;ve only hung out with a few times,
and we see this girl. Sheapos;s real. Like...she really exsists but i donapos;t
want to use names. And sheapos;s got that pink wig on that she wore last
time i saw her and sheapos;s on a motorcycle with a guy only...the guy looks exactly like the one whoapos;s driving my stepdads truck. And then i guess thereapos;s just two of them? one on the motorcycle and one in the truck.

by the way, weapos;re at an intersection. The girl in across from us, going south. And we are going north. She asks us how weapos;ve been, where we work. Then she asks us where weapos;re going. And i donapos;t know why, but the guy whoapos;s driving....he lies. He lies and says, "weapos;re going to Gillapos;s". Which is some fish place I guess? but then after he says that he says "...you know...because weapos;ve got some gills to fry.." and i think thatapos;s really funny. But i donapos;t laugh because....i donapos;t know. So then she drives off and the dream ends.

this was probably the coolest dream iapos;ve ever had in my whole life.

kristen laguna beach, united stated code, united stated citizen and immigration service, united stated air force, united stated, united state.com.


Www.weather.com insists on adding all the different synonyms of "rain" to todayapos;s forecast. Go check it out, it says:

9 am - 12 pm: RAIN
1 pm - 3 pm: SHOWERS
4 pm - 6 pm: LIGHT RAIN
7 pm - 8 pm: T-STORMS

...they should have just written "Hey guys, if youapos;re going outside, plan on getting wet." The interesting rain doesnapos;t even start until 7:00 tonight...and there are a lot of activities planned today that take place outside, so this is going to be a terribly fun day...

Iapos;m considering signing up to be an Orientation Coordinator...It might be a great opportunity, but Iapos;m not sure how I feel about it...Itapos;s much higher than Orientation Leader, but I wanted to get a job with the government this summer...I just donapos;t know...

without u lyrics usher, snaptrack, snaptrack channel, snaptrack inc.

milongas in sydney

Monday and Tuesday are "new class release" days at Fitness First in Bourke St.

Theyapos;ve been sick of not many people showing up because theyapos;re worried about being pressured to join, so theyapos;ve promised that if you come along they wonapos;t hassle you. Besides, if you come at lunchtime my friend Robin will be there, and sheapos;ll wave us through Iapos;m sure :)

Iapos;ll be doing Body Pump at 12:30 on Monday and Body Combat at 12:30 on Tuesday. Theyapos;re 45 minute classes. Thereapos;s also another Pump straight after the Combat, and Iapos;d stay if anyone will come and do it with me

So - let me know. If you want to try out this stuff I rave about, nowapos;s a good time. Youapos;ll need:

* good shoes - runners or cross trainers. Especially for Combat. Pump they donapos;t need to be quite so fancy because thereapos;s not much foot movement, but they need to have good stability still.
* comfortable exercise clothes - youapos;ll be getting pretty warm
* a water bottle
* a towel

All the other equipment for the class is there (including soft blue mats at Bourke St - they rock) and the instructors are used to having new people and are great at letting you know what to do. Besides, I know just about everything there is to know about those two classes :)

irbridge, milongas in sydney, milongas london, milongas tango.


Make another myspace devoted to my poetry and music. Well, sorta music because I donapos;t actually produce any, its all just lyrical. Anyways the link is.....


ADD IT Iapos;ll post new poetry on a daily basis, most of it will be some of my old poetry until I gradually work towards my newer stuff. 10 years of poetry takes a long time to gather, and then transfer....so yeah ahah. Its fun though, Iapos;m doing it because someone said something to me and it really stuck.

They said "you know, you always say you hate how bad things are always happening in your life, well why are you so afraid of letting people know? i know you have youapos;re livejournal, but thats not really getting youapos;re message out there. Iapos;ve read a lot of youapos;re poetry over the years after you slowly let me, and I have to say karisma...you can really do something with peoples hearts, you can be a big inspiration through your literature and poetry. Youapos;re story needs to get out there, not only that but youapos;re views on the world are insane, people will listen."

sooooo....yeah, thats why I started that whole thing. Cause I dont like sharing most of my poetry, and even now Iapos;m still being picky on which ones Iapos;d like to put up there. But not every baby bird gets to prepare itself before it gets pushed off the nest..I might as well just go for it I guess.

lembaga administrasi negara, irbits, irbitux, irbitz.

среда, 27 августа 2008 г.

michelle downing

Iapos;m about to be homeless and that is my little adventure.

I swear, Iapos;m just trying my best to be positive and to not panic about my situation, because if you really think about it, I really shouldnapos;t have a problem with lodging.

I have a room reserved at Logis, which Iapos;ve checked and isnapos;t bad at all. Ample closet space, lots of shelves, a private bathroom, what else can I ask for, yeah?

Except that it is in the middle of lavender fields and as much as they are wonderful to look at, I cannot stare at Cezanne landscapes for the rest of my time here.

I visited Citadines, which is a bus ride away from the Rotonde, and itapos;s a lovely place, almost a hostel, but more expensive and with better facilities (free coffee, tea, and a swimming pool to boot) but itapos;s still not the bustling place I thought Iapos;d live in.

I pictured myself to be in walking distance to all the fruit and flower markets in the morning near Mirabeau. And after school, Iapos;d go pass by the plaza and listen to street musicians play their guitars and saxophones and what-have-youapos;s.

So here I am looking for a place to stay and being very mercenary about it (The Tourism Office comes out with fresh listings every Wed, and Iapos;m on top of it already). Itapos;s university town after all and when Sept comes, itapos;s gonna be even tougher to find housing.

I lowered my standards after reading that Michelle Obama graduated cum laude in Princeton while sharing with 3 (or 4?) other girls a room with the bathroom 5 flights down.

OK, her bad living situation has nothing to do with her cum laude, but hey, if she can do it, so can I. (live in a bad apartment I mean. Not the cum laude part)

So Iapos;ve gone nazi about it and listed down some choices, sent emails to those with emails, and stored numbers to call tomorrow morning.

After opening my bank account tom, I shall walk around town and hopefully conduct oculars so that I can move ASAP.

I decided to take on one or two roommates--Mes the Ethiopian and Nadja (sp?) the Russian because we get along well and they are looking for the same things in an apartment. If they donapos;t like my choice, then I shall go solo.

And if all else fails, I shall go solo. In Logis.

Good old Logis, my fall back. Ha

In other news, I was waiting for the last bus to Puyricard after an afternoon of apartment-hunting and cheese-experimenting when this guy started singing playfully. I applauded him and he struck a conversation. Heapos;s a Palestinian whoapos;s been teaching music at one of the many universities in town. He gave me tips on how to find a room but his bus came before I could take anything down. Darn.

And I also spoke with the only other person in the busstop (Bus 21 dint come and we had to wait for Bus20 at 8:06pm instead) Coincidence of all coincidences She lives right across IAE And she speaks English Not very good English but much much better than most.

We spoke and shared stories the entire way home and since it was Bus20, we had to walk about a kilometer (thank goodness it was chilly) to our respective destinations.

Her nameapos;s Rakia and sheapos;s Lebanese. She moved to Paris in 1984 because of the war and studied French there. After 10 years, she decided to move to the South as she could not take the noise of Paris. She doesnapos;t have a very positive impression of the French in general (they are very selfish, they will only talk to you because they need something from you, they will speak English to you not for anything but so they can practice and improve their English) but she says these things in a matter-of-fact way. She claims that I will never have a French friend, but many French acquaintances, as she does.

She is a translator (Lebanese, Hebrew, French, and a little English) of books, articles, letters, and movies. So she says she has done subtitles for a number of films. Apart from that, she designs websites.

She has a very good grasp of the history of French language and explained to me the different vernaculars in France. I dint know they were so varied--I thought it was just accents.

The funniest part was, when we parted, we wanted to trade email addresses but we couldnapos;t find any paper on us to write things down.

So she goes, "O letapos;s walk a little farther, there is a garbage can."

So off she goes checking out the garbage can for waste paper.

The neurotic in me just took note of what we touched (my pink pen which my friend Brian uses so maybe I will give it to him for good haha) and vowed to just bury the thought of rummaging the garbage bin in the deepest burrows of my mind.

Of course that piece of paper is laid on that corner of my desk which I donapos;t touch.

Hereapos;s to a productive day tomorrow

A bientot

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вторник, 26 августа 2008 г.

the conga room in los angeles

Lessee -

Beautiful set piece of the reading room at the Library. The Bardsapos; Guild hasnapos;t had a better guild area in I canapos;t remember how long. And very nice it was too to have a tent back to ourselves.

The Guild leaders do a lot of work under a lot of stress, and yet they were still great.

MacLir came to visit. The wide-eyed looks when I introduced him to some Bears were great. The rite we did to help him, entirely impromptu and with people just grabbed out of the guild tent, was fabulous. The MacFinns leaping into the fray with prompt offers of support and help was expected but proves their continuing awesomeness. All the MacLir stuff was made of complete win, especially Jimmy :)

I feel Lioapos;Araapos;s finally come into her own and itapos;s great.

Iapos;m sorry that I canapos;t do the Deputy Master Bard job that I wanted to do, but I take the view that since you pay a lot of money to play this game then you might as well take the option that gives you the most pleasure. My replacement will be a lot better at it than I was anyway.

Another of my research requests went astray. Thatapos;s two for two that I havenapos;t had back. This time I put in one (still trying) and since itapos;s actually very important for my character I made a summary of it and gave it to the plot team just in case. Iapos;m a bit paranoid, but what else can I do?

Thank you to everyone who chipped into the "looking after of Gill" when I had a meltdown. Youapos;re wonderful.

We didnapos;t blow away, the weather wasnapos;t as bad as it was predicted to be, I meant to tell Fergal about Cosaintapos;s fan club (note to self, tell Fergal about Cosaintapos;s fan club), and the wasps were horrible but only one person got stung and it wasnapos;t me.

Thereapos;s probably loads more, like the fabulous singing that went on, and the stuff around the demon-with-a-dismiss-of-150, and the High King visiting with us for 6 months and all, but itapos;ll come back to me and might well make an appearance in future entries.

And now, Iapos;m absolutely shattered and bits of me are unhappy. It was a good event

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And, Iapos;m very tired again, and donapos;t much feel like typing. Alas Itapos;s the way of the world.

But, the Ren Fest was fun. I guess we got there about 11:30 or so. It was a BOGO weekend, so two could split the cost of one ticket. WSM.

There were lots of nice shops and lots of fun shows. I think my favorite of the day was the last one we saw before the joust. He was an Irish troubadour and it just reminded me of Ireland (obviously). But more importantly, he started singing a song about a girl who left Ireland and moved to Memphis to be with Elvis. It seriously felt like the exact opposite of our last night in Ireland. Hee.

Paleo was long today. I really hate the second lab. Itapos;s necessary for paleo, but you know, it makes a long and tedious lab period. Lab 2 is still quiet, but itapos;s small (because today 5 people didnapos;t show up -.-)

But all is good, because starting next lab, weapos;ll move to actually looking at different fossils.

Had a package waiting for me when I got home. Actually, it was probably there Saturday, but I was too lazy to check mail until today. Yay for ponies :D

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Yay for the end of the first day of school. Letapos;s overview, shall we?

Last night I tried going to bed early. My original plan was eleven, but I didnapos;t turn out the light and get settled until midnight. And, of course, I couldnapos;t sleep. You see, Iapos;ve had this UTI thatapos;s been going on for three weeks now. I got it from not taking my pill fast enough (I think), but I never went to the doctor. I simply started using my preventative medication as a means to get rid of the infection. This helped immensely. After the first two days I felt moderately normal, except for one thing. I kept feeling like I had to pee when I really, really, REALLY didnapos;t. Like, Iapos;d go four times in a period of five minutes. I generally ignored this, and by the time I went to bed, I was so tired that Iapos;d just pass out. This was not the case last night, as I tried to go to bed two hours earlier than usual. Translation: Gina panicking at one in the morning. I just lay there and thought about how it felt, how annoying it was...and then itapos;d start to feel worse, and Iapos;d imagine my bladder physically inflamed (thatapos;s actually kind of what it feels like) and then Iapos;d start to panic because a full blown UTI is probably the worst, most uncomfortable, helpless feeling Iapos;ve ever experienced. The solution was using Ryan as a pillow and watching Harry Potter until I fell asleep. Luckily, Iapos;m never that tired when I wake up for the first day of class because Iapos;m too nervous.

Today I technically only had once class, but my goal was to add two. I had anatomy and Physiology at eight this morning. It was just an overview, of course, and the woman scared everyone by saying it was hard, and basically said that it was full and that was that. She ended class ten minutes early, and had those wishing to add the class sign a paper, even if we were already on the waiting list. She didnapos;t think this through, because it took so long for one person to sign the damn thing at a time, that the next class kicked us out. I got my name down, but I realized the section I wanted to get into was for honors only. Balls. I donapos;t think Iapos;ll get in, which means Iapos;ll have to take summer class and wait for Marquette until the Summer of 2010.

Next, I wanted to go to the psychology advising through "counter hours" (where you donapos;t need to make an appointment) to ask if I could switch to a BA and have my first semester chem (which I already took) and my first semester bio (which Iapos;m signed up for) cancel out Nats 101 and 102 (biology for nonscience majors). This would greatly expedite my graduation, as I wouldnapos;t have to take second semester chem and bio (I thought Iapos;d have to take two semesters of each for nursing, which was incorrect). She said no, crushing all my little dreams. But, not entirely crushed, since my failure to get into PSIO already did the job.

Next, going to bio lab which I hadnapos;t signed up for because I thought they had closed online registration (I was later to find that this was also incorrect). I got to the lab, and the TA told me that she doesnapos;t add people, but the woman who does was in her office. So I went there, asked, she said they were full. Full? All of them? Yes, full. She suggested that I go to the lab anyway, just in case someone drops one of the sections so I donapos;t miss out. And she also told me that all I had to do was register online. Stupid, stupid me for not double checking. Anyway, I went back to the classroom and stayed. It actually seems really interesting and kind of fun. A bunch of the homeworks are puzzles. One is almost exactly like minesweaper. I managed to get into one of the sections (only a late Thursday one opened up) but I really like the TA, and am hoping someone will drop her section. I was particularly annoyed because 24 people had signed up and were supposed to be there, and only 19 had showed up. This made me appreciate the classes that boot people out that donapos;t show up on the first day.

Also, I bought $450 worth of books for two classes. Three if you count the lab as separate (it technically is separate). I still have three classes worth to buy. If I get into PSIO I think Iapos;ll drop the psych of divorce, much to my own dismay (apos;tis one of the classes to which Iapos;m most looking forward).

Tucson took the pleasure of raining today, drenching my poor cloth shoes and making them go squish.

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понедельник, 25 августа 2008 г.

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"Vinca" a clear strong voice rang out along the wooden path leading from the Feral Cabin. A young scruffy looking head popped up among some reeds. "Get out of the water I can see you, liapos;l lady." the youngster to whom the head belonged tried ducking down again, as if to dodge the dreaded words that she knew meant it was time to leave her playmates.

Vinca Farren was a scrawney little kitten. Like most other cubs her paws seemed overly large for her body and gave her the look of a clumsy beast. However, also like most kittens, she was anything but clumsy. The cat-maid nimbly leapt from the shallow water with a poorly made reed flute in paw. She gave it� a hoarse blow causing a little screech from beside her "Awww, Vinc, Dapos;ye havapos;ta always blow thapos;darned thing right nex tapos; me lug?" a male kitten was pawing at the side of this head "You already know it sounapos;s terrible"

"Thaapos;s only apos;cuz she wants tapos;have a way to beat ya at somethinapos;, Zeik. " a bell-like giggle came from the petite mouth of a little rat. The rat-maid was perched upon a rotting log. The old piece of wood was hanging slightly off the bank of the little creek they swam in. She gave another cheery laugh as she jumped down next to Vinca. Holding out her paws to Zeik, she grabbed his own in hers and helped the little tom onto the bank.

"I guess your right, Rynniah.." he grumbled irritably, but then gave a sarcastic smile towards the other wildcat "If playing a reed badly is the only thinapos; yapos;can beat me in, I guess I donapos;t have a problem with that. Haha. Hahahaha..."


He fell over onto the ground, Vinca with an outstretched fist above him "Yeah, jusapos; you wait one day Iapos;ll beat ya"


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I want to do a long post. There are so many moments and images over the past week, that I could subject you to the experiences for the rest of the year. I also want to catch up on all my LJ and blog reading, because thereapos;s a lot to read and comment on

However, yesterday my sister and I drove on back roads, through small towns, right into the Smokey Mountains. It was an almost biblical experience, as my mind kept repeating a line from a Psalm:

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

Mark made a comment to an earlier post of mine about Tara. And itapos;s true that like many Southerners, I draw strength from this land, most particularly these mountains. My sister showed me on the atlas the place nearby where she would like her ashes to be scattered after she dies. I understand why. Though the U.S. Has more majestic mountain ranges, these are "our" mountains, and even when none of us lives here anymore, and thereapos;s no house, this feels like home.

We are staying for a couple of days in a room that overlooks a stream. Thereapos;s even water tumbling over rocks just outside our balcony. And ducks going after Fruit Loops dropped by a child from the balcony of another inn across the creek:

Hereapos;s one of the scenes from this past Saturday. We were given a chance to, as Fr. Jeff said, help my mother rest in peace by dropping the red dirt of Alabama onto the box that held her ashes. This moment, which Iapos;m sure was captured by Lynne with Lindseyapos;s camera, evokes the full range of emotions my heart can experience.

My nephew, Josh, and his daughter, Amelia.

I have no doubt from whence my help cometh: the love of nature, family, and home--all enduring gifts from my parents.

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I canapos;t help but wonder why I care anymore.� A part of me is starting to think itapos;s just a show I put on.� I donapos;t think I have any more care left in me.� I know that it upsets me on the outside, but Iapos;m not sure how I really feel about things on the inside.� I guess my box is overflowing, it happens.� I just wish there was a way to not have to have a box...oh there is but in order�for that to happen someone else has to care.� I do know that working two jobs is for the birds, and once I get a few bills paid off my stint at Sears is the first thing to go.� Iapos;m not to keen on getting of work only to change to go to another place of employment.� Call me lazy, you wouldnapos;t be lying

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So i went to my first lecture of the year this morning.. And my work load for that one class is larger than all my classes i took in England combined. I was afraid of this. I got used to the English hands on system of discussions and in class work versus memorization and homework. Now i have almost all livel 300 and 400 upper level classes and Iapos;m out of practice.

That brings me to my next dilemma.. On mondays and wednesdays I have a break in classes from 10 to 4 and I dunno if I should try to work during the break or take that time to do all of my homework and try to 4 point this semester and raise my gpa. I may very well be able to 4 point the semester without the break but it would be convenient to get all my homework done during school hours and out of the way for after school to relax or work.. I dunno.. I need the money though..

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"Save the�reunion for later Hurry�up and go Ichigo" Rukia had said.
Well, Kurosaki Ichigo was not one for having to be told things twice. He was ready for anything, knowing that his allies had his back as he charged towards Aizenapos;s fortress to take back Inoue, and he was going to do it this time too, no matter how many heads he had to crack to get there.
And he had to return the favour to that damned Quatro Espada and show him that you just didnapos;t stick holes through his chest and expect to get away with it.
Las Noches was getting closer and closer, and with a tight grip on Zangetsu he leapt...

...Onto a roof, apparently. A roof where an�Arrancar he didnapos;t recognise was standing, unarmed, and with his back to him.
Ichigo did not appreciate being ignored.
"Oi" He roared, and he really was surprised to find that he did actually roar. "Bastard Where is she?"

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воскресенье, 24 августа 2008 г.

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English Language:
English Literature: A
Maths: A
Statistics: B
Science: B
History: A
French: A
R.E: A*
BTEC Business: A*

As I walked in to the hall I was asked my name and then as Mrs Wood went to find the envelope my English teacher Mr Lewis looked up and gave me it - turns out heapos;d been looking at it. That got my mind racing.
I said to mum Iapos;d open them with her so I went out to the car and then, I opened the envelope....and screamed
The first sheet was of all exams I took on the AQA exam board; English and R.E; I saw A*, A and A* I couldnapos;t believe it - my first result sheet and already 2 A*apos;s. I just started crying and could barely see the next sheet. Edexcel had awarded me Three Aapos;s and 2 Bapos;s. OCR then gave me my B in science - all that panicing but Iapos;d still got my B

I saw Mr Lewis on the stairs talking to Stacey so without thinking I ran over and jumped on him, throwing my arms around him. He set me up for the A* and A. A bit taken aback to say the least I then hugged Miss Pitt, Mrs Wrighton, Mrs Leverett, Mrs Parkes, Miss Frost - even Mr Cox my Principal.
But I couldnapos;t find Mr Hallam so decided to walk to the office while Mum was being consoled by Vicky and Liz. I knocked on the door and said "Sir" and then just burst into tears. Guess what I did? Yeah, I gave him a hug; it was a big bear hug and just cried my eyes out. Turns out Iapos;m the only one to get an A in both History classes - I was really shocked.�
It was crushing though - talking to him, I realised that everyone I came across was happy - apart from one person. But thatapos;s neither here nor there.�

I was dumbfounded that I got an A* in Values; but the gradeapos;s not for me, its for Miss Connolly. I mean, she put all that effort in and no one really cared. Hopefully my grade will show her that at least someone cared�- because I do.
...and an A in French? All the tears over my speaking exam and I got an A?? Itapos;s an incredible feeling.�
Fundamentally, all my results show that my new found confidence has shone through - and shown the world I can achieve anything I set my mind to. The world to me really is my oyster.�

As I went back into the Hall, I was asked by Mr Whitcombe if Iapos;d pose for a photo for the newspaper. Myself; Ollie, Ashleigh, Stacey and SJ all had our best subjects taken. Iapos;m so happy for SJ - the first pupil ever to receive an A* in Maths. She utterly deserves it.
After that, mum went home and as she drove off I saw James so went to talk to him. As I got up the steps - he just threw his arms round me. I was so happy that he was there; I wanted to show him just what I achieved now Iapos;m more confident. And the confidence is all thanks to him.
He went through my results and just said "You deserve it - you really do". I said goodbye to everyone and walked out with Reah.

Walking home I got a text from James - which was sweet. Mrs Ralf text her congratulations after I text her my result - itapos;s touching that even in Malta, she wanted to know how I got on.
Then, when home my mum gave me a bunch of pink roses; my favourite flower - ever. She also gave me a small black box; I opened it and saw a gold key on�a small chain. I had my key through all my exams and on results day to stop me if I got wound up and began to panic. Now, a gold one symbolises something even more precious yet hopefully, it wonapos;t be needed that much.�

This is a new Jenny Powell; panic free and confidence filled. Sheapos;s proved to the world that she can achieve anything she puts her mind to - now after countless celebrations itapos;s time for A-Levels. GCSEapos;s were only the start of something incredible - for she will never stop believing.

The whole morning was surreal; I just canapos;t believe how well I have done. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could achieve so much - I really can not believe it.

So thank you Mr Lewis Mr Hayes; Mrs Ralf; Mr Clapp; Mr Hallam; Miss Rousseau Mrs Mitchell; Miss Connolly; Mrs Macdonald-Bryant �Mr Stanley. But above all, thanks to my mum and dad -for all the support.
All of you, I really can not tell you all how grateful I am

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i think barney is an alien who came from some unknown planet, sue me.

purple is an extremely appropriate colour for this line. Anyway, i was bored so i decided to surf around the net for courses in the different polys because i am quite unsure of what i want to do yet. BUT, now i know :D I am going to take Child Psycology and Early Education (CPEE) at Ngee Ann Polythecnic. I think i will also take up a CCA while iapos;m there. They have some of the coolest CCAapos;s there heck care if it is far, i am so totally going to Ngee Ann Poly. I will study study study and score freaking well and go NP. Hahahahah. RED camp sounds like tons of fun :D i will sign up next year. JOAN go with me pleassseeee

Okay, i finally finished my english compo. Like, FINALLY it is a freaking 6 pages long. It could have been longer but i decided to hold abit of suspense. (actually, it was because i was lazy to write anymore --") Have to start on SS now. I think i am going to do it alone because nobody is online? SERA? JOAN? WANNING? where are you guys? Okay.. So Yintong is online but he like has even more no idea on what to do than me so i guess i really am all on my own. On my own, doing a two page long essay.. For social studies.. On some group called the Aceh --" Like,� so donapos;t care about Aceh. LTTE is confusing enough. URGH damn damn damn.

Olympics Closing Ceremony @ 8pm tonight. Going to try and finish SS by then and i will chiong History after that. Joan is coming to save me soon. YAY

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Crappy nights sleep.
Nightmares are back again. Maybe one day when Iapos;m worried about stuff I wont have to contend with this crap as well.
Last night I was actually thankful for Kevs thunderous snoring waking me up. I wish he would wake up more easily though, could have done with a proper hug rather than blubbing like a big baby whilst snuggled up to him. Any other night I might have woken him but heapos;s been working so hard lately with silly hours and being in tomorrow too I just couldnapos;t do it.

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What do people have against vanilla ice cream? Why does everyone think itapos;s boring? Itapos;s simpler than Rocky Road, Double Fudge Brownie, Cookie Dough, etc., but itapos;s still a flavor. Itapos;s not what you get when you donapos;t add any flavor to ice cream, itapos;s a flavor just like chocolate, coffee, or any other kind of ice cream.

Itapos;s apos;cause itapos;s white, isnapos;t it?

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суббота, 23 августа 2008 г.

kid n around

Hello dears,

I was hoping to get some advice from you all. I have been trying to clean out my room and my house and give away all the things that I do not need anymore, however I have found myself utterly attached to everything. I donapos;t know when I became such a materialistic packrat but it is obviously a problem. I donapos;t know if itapos;s the packrat problem or if itapos;s also my motivation issues.

So i was hoping that someone could give me a spell or a way to boost my motivation. I know that trying a non-magickal manner of helping myself first is a good idea. And I have tried it. It just hasnapos;t seemed to work.

Sooo I will ask for your help. Thanks guys.

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Bowling yesterday was the best ever, even Joshua was back from army and it was just the twelve of us again. Frankly, I suck at bowling, but it was fun all the same. Bowling, hot chocolate and arcade till midnight, just like how it used to be. (L)

This morning, training was just..................... Bleak. Lunch with Sarah, Siti and Lorraine after that, we were talking about our childhood on the bus. And putting more thought into it, I srsly miss my childhood. Soap bubbles, rocketships and all.

Church was amazing today, I canapos;t believe I was actually thinking about not going. So it started off rainy and really lame because it was already three thirty and hardly anyone was there yet. But it turned out to be srsly fun, (blow wind blow) and all. Daphne still gets the twins mixed up, hilarious. Jet is�so weird, heapos;s actually funny. Andre is such a liar slash cheater, itapos;s scandalous. Sheryl is the funniest person ever, fullstop. Miachel is the worldapos;s worst joker, no big surprise. And thatapos;s not even half of it.


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The story sinks deep.
iapos;m watching it unfold under my skin like a snapped muscle,
elastic band,
curling and unfurling until everything

paper, tape, and clothing tags,
cheap adhesives
sticking my life on all of this white, and
iapos;m keeping you forever
stuck inside
this infinity book.

next year and last year;
itapos;s all blending together in this
cosmic clutter,
and iapos;m snagging moments
one by one
out of this Time River that flows in and out of
tomorrow and yesterday...
but mostly today.

i kept it all, every little piece;
tangible proof that i exist in some way or another.

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пятница, 22 августа 2008 г.

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Iapos;m sorry but I have a confession.

I really do like that "I kissed a girl" song.....

only because back when I used to kiss girls all the time I had no idea what I was doing. And that song kinda reminds me of it.

Only now I havenapos;t kissed a girl in years so I canapos;t relate, itapos;s more so I just like what the song reminds me of.

But I do in fact, have Cherry Chapstick. And Dave very much prefers it over Burts Bees.

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четверг, 21 августа 2008 г.

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Spoke to A. I told her Iapos;d spoken to my doctor, to another doctor (from another surgery) and someone from the board of HS etc and theyapos;d all unanimously (I actually used this word ;o) hehe) agreed that I do not need a doctors clearance note. Before she had time to whinge I said If there is still an issue despite three separate professional opinions then Iapos;m willing to take it up with Starbucks Partner Help desk. All of a sudden a rather flustered manager was saying how sheapos;d just (weird. I rang half hour a go and was told there was a queue and youapos;d call back asap... And before that it was an hour ago where you told me to get the note or donapos;t come in) spoken to N and he had said I could come back to work without one. Weird how that stuff happens isnapos;t it? Timing, and all.

So Iapos;m back in tomorrow, all day, with X in the am and who knows in the pm. Iapos;m arranging an aroma lab. Hopefully, and I know this sounds mean, neither M nor A are in. One of Aapos;s attempts to get me in trouble and not back at work was "Well M told me, just now when you rang, that you sounded rubbish and still really sick" ok well lets stop getting, you know, second hand opinions from untrained gossipers and YOU TELL ME HOW I SOUND RIGHT NOW? Do I sound sick? Can you hear the vomiting.

I am turning over a new leaf. I will not be bullied at that shop. I refuse.

Iapos;m still giddy and giggly from my dream, heh.

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Democrat Barack Obama ran more ads in Florida in June and July than in any other state, according to Nielsen-Monitor Plus ratings released today.

He's run 7,387 spots in Florida, followed by other traditional battleground states such as Ohio, Michigan Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Republican John McCain is up in those state too but Florida voters can only see his ads on cable. Yet he's still got a narrow lead in the polls.

Perhaps today's campaign stops by Hillary Clinton on Obama's behalf will help him close the deal with a few more Democrats. She's at Florida Atlantic University this morning and at the Kings Point retirement community in Tamarac this afternoon.

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I. The duck and the prince.

Once upon a time, a man died.
His work was creating stories to tell other people.
In defiance of his death
in his last story was a brave and beautiful prince
who was supposed to defeat a monster raven.

However, now there would never be a conclusion to their endless fight.

"I hate this" So screamed the monster raven.
"I hate this" So screamed the brave prince.

The monster raven flew out of the story
and the prince ran after it.
And then, the prince took out his own heart.
Using a forbidden power, he sealed away the monster raven.

At the same time;


Came the mutter from somewhere by the man
who should have been dead.

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I am now in a position to fulfill a very long term ambition viz put together a Cyberman costume but

1/ Thereapos;s not many places to show off an SF costume now nor are there a lot of people doing it

2/ Iapos;m not really a costuming sort of shape anymore

3 (and most impt)/ The outfit I can slap together probably wouldnapos;t past muster these days. Itapos;s something that wouldnapos;t have been out of place on the show in the 60apos;s and would have been ok for a costume parade upto the 90apos;s but now? People are very fussy, theyapos;ll give a great costume its due but theyapos;ll sniff at one below par.

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primary language arts activities

So this may make you laugh...and it may not, but it definitely made me chuckle so I thought Iapos;d share it.

A little background- we often leave our dog outside all day�because all of us are gone from 6:30 AM until usually about that time at night because of work and stuff. �We leave him on like a 25 or 30 foot leash and we have a pretty large backyard and he has one of those never-ending water bowls, so rather than coop him up in the house (itapos;s very hot in the house, since we donapos;t have A/C) we let him run free. Heapos;s a pug, so he doesnapos;t bother anybody.

Anyways, we came home today and I went out and got the mail, and tucked into our mailbox was what looked like a flyer or whatever, but it was like under all our mail so I opened it and looked at it and it turns out it was a printed out article from like, the online version of the newspaper here. The headline was "Coyote Sightings in West Bloomfield."��West Bloomfiled (or WB) is the next town over, and weapos;re only about a mile outside of it and it highlighted the fact that there is a coyote on the loose or something (like literally, somebody HIGHLIGHTED it) and so I read on and the phrase "small animals, like small pets can attracted coyotes..."� LOL, this phrase was highlighted AND circled multiple times. Later on in the article, it said should you let your small pet outside, it should be watched. This too was highlighted and circled numerous times. HAHAHA. The neighbors around here are such douchebags. (One guy got in trouble for stacking his firewood up too high.)

I donapos;t know, like I said. I chuckled at their audacity.

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::::Putting on my very best WELCOME to the South Voice::::

I am the owner of this here live journal community. Someone suggested we start an apos;Add meapos; post here so people could comment, and add people they were or are interested in reading.

You donapos;t have to participate, but it is a nice way to get friends who TOTALLY understand where you are coming from. It is a nice way to meet people, and flesh out your apos;friendsapos; area.

So, reply to this post, with your first name, your interests, hobbies, goals, whatever. See if you donapos;t make a few friends.

I will go ahead and post a seperate comment for my entry into the great unknown.

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Dragon*Con has been contacted by NBC/Universal and asked to remove our Heroes guests from our program panels. They have agreed to allow the Heroes guests to participate in autograph sessions.

Unfortunately, we have been unable to resolve this with the studio, and do not believe it will be resolved in time for the Convention this year. Therefore, per NBC/Universalapos;s request, we have removed the guests from the Heroes panels.

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среда, 20 августа 2008 г.

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Wijnen proeven

Stellenbosch, een van de bekende wijngebieden van Zuid-Afrika. Wij willen graag Vergelegen bezoeken. Als we contact opnemen voor een rondleiding blijkt dat kinderen niet welkom zijn. Eigenwijs als we zijn, rijden we toch naar Vergelegen, de oudste wine estate. We proberen nogmaals of we deel kunnen nemen aan de rondleiding. Maar nee is nee. Vergelegen ligt op een prachtig landgoed. Vele strakke tuinen. Helaas staat de rozentuin niet in bloei. Voorafgaand aan de wijnproeverij wandelen we door de tuinen.

De wijnproeverij bestaat uit vijf verschillende glazen wijn. Frank doet alsof hij een kenner is door de wijn door het glas rond te draaien, zijn neus erin te steken en een slokje te nemen. De resultaten schrijft hij op een papiertje.

We rijden naar de Bergkelder, in Stellenbosch, waar we waarschijnlijk wel een rondleiding kunnen krijgen. Voorafgaand aan de rondleiding komen we in contact met een afrikaanse familie. Zij hebben een meisje van 18 maanden. Melle gaat meteen naar het meisje toe. Dit meisje geeft hem een kusje. Ze wijken niet meer van elkaars zijde af.

De rondleiding begint met een introductiefilm. Daarna is er een wijnproeverij. Frank proeft 2 witte en 3 rode wijnen. Na de wijnproeverij gaan we naar de kelders. HIer liggen ongeveer 5 miljoen flessen wijn opgeslagen. Er liggen ook houten vaten gevuld met wijn. De gids geeft aan dat de wijn in de vaten niet meer te drinken is. Na een rondje kelder gaan we naar de bottelarij. Moderne machines vullen de flessen en voorzien de fles van een kurk. Per uur worden er 12.000 tot 15.000 flessen wijn gebotteld.

De man die deel uitmaakt van de afrikaanse familie blijkt ambassadeur van Mali te zijn. Volgend jaar gaat hij met zijn familie naar Nederland. Hij kent ook de nederlandse ambassadeur van Mali.

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So the auto manager and I were talking the other day and he said that the mall is going into foreclosure and will be auctioned off about the 10th next month. Itapos;s kinda funny. Sure itapos;ll bring down sales which if my friends and I are still there itapos;ll suck, but itapos;s still entertaining to me. I was wondering why the construction was quick on taking things out, but basically non-existent now. I now have a new manager who actually seems to be helping. So weapos;ll see how things go with that. I donapos;t know if itapos;s too little too late since most of this month is gone. There was so much that the department was behind on and so much they want done at once, Iapos;m sure it looks like nothing is getting done. We hired another person for the department the day before yesterday. I hope heapos;s a good worker, I didnapos;t get much say in the whole thing. We shall see.

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I need a guardian angel.�

I need someone who I can turn to for advice, ideas, compliments, criticism, company, compassion, conversation, and joy without feeling silly, wrong, ridiculous, or guilty.

I need someone to help me, someone to take care of me...Iapos;m absolutely exhausted with always doing that for my peers.

I need to know thereapos;s a higher spirit out there.

I need some mystery in my life.

I need some assurance in my life.

I need someone, other than my family, to love unconditionally.

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вторник, 19 августа 2008 г.


I donapos;t think Iapos;ve ever actually thought about what I was going to wear for my first day of school.
I donapos;t think I cared for what my hair really looked like either.
So, why is it that NOW all I can think about is how nice I want my hair to look and how I want people to love what Iapos;m wearing. Why do I feel so insecure? Usually, Iapos;m fine. You know, self-esteem wise. Iapos;m not gorgeous, but Iapos;m not hideous either. Iapos;m somewhere in the middle.
My head needs to be screwed on tighter.

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понедельник, 18 августа 2008 г.

h2 roof rack

It doesnapos;t matter if you are hurting or sad, video games are making someone else happy right now....and that is what matters.� Remember, you do not matter nor does your child who currently needs her diaper changed.� The person who is staring a the screen is in charge by their very decision to focus on it and not you.� Hedonism is the ultimate master.
� Imagine, for a change, a world of obese individuals, salivating at their screens full of cheer and wonder of what their virtual game options will be.� No longer will there be a need for gyms or bike paths, or, for heart to heart discussions with real people (who wants to look at an obese person in human form, when you have a virtual cartoon?).� Imagine now, a world, where everyone is seated quietly, intently looking into the depths of their screens and the worlds that lie beyond.� A world where a new record on longevity awakens itself more efficiently than ever.� So soak up these moments of bliss, before we efficiently die of cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes before we turn 48.

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воскресенье, 17 августа 2008 г.

past and presents store

Today I finally got all the extra lanyard they had at the library. I also watched a lot of "so you think you can dance", so much in fact that I started to try to dance in my living room. With roofers right outside the windows. Cutecutecute. I donapos;t like the feeling that I may or may not be being watched.

I need to go practice for like three hours. Everyday. Until school starts. Then itapos;s four hours.

15 days? yup.

I had forgotten how great bacon was.

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суббота, 16 августа 2008 г.

horton johnny

Do you realize that you have the most beautiful face?
Do you realize youapos;re floating in space?
Do you realize that happiness makes you cry?
Do you realize that everyone you know someday will die?

And instead of of saying all of your goodbyes let them know you realize that life goes fast, itapos;s hard to make the good things last, you realize the sun doesnapos;t go down, itapos;s just an illusion caused by the world spinning apos;round.

Do you realize...
Do you realize that everyone you know someday will die?
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes let them know you realize that life goes fast, itapos;s hard to make the good things last, you realize the sun doesnapos;t go down, itapos;s just an illusion caused by the world spinning apos;round.

Do you realize that you have the most beautiful face?
Do you realize?..

[The Flaming Lips]
(for some reason Taffyapos;s post made me think of this)

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AJ totally went bonkers today (in a good way)

the 2 hour break before maths test at 4.15 resulted in vertually the entire H2 Math population to congregate in front if the TVs watching the olympics. The canteen was packed to the brim and if there was a prize for the most enthusiastic, supportive school, weapos;ll win it hands down. Haha the noise they created. So we all ended up late for our math test and it didnt stop there.

Inside the LT we could hear the screams oohs and aahs so clearly that we basically were still following the match. And halfway through the paper many gave up doing and just went outside to watch. Haha.

anyway was feeling really moody this morning cuz i lost my pride and prejudice literature text and i have to get a new one like soon. And i have to highlight the whole book all over again which would take forever. Cleared out the entire locker and my house and it just couldn be found. To be honest, i cant rmb when was the last time i saw it.

headed to AMK hub with rest of class after skul for a quick getaway, god, getting stuck in school for 12 hours a few times a�week, not being able to enjoy weekends cuz of pileloads of hw and revision, we were like birds being set free. Eventhough it was just an hour, it was enough. Laughed, crapped, joked thruout and it just felt so nice to be with the class. =]

i really feel so up to my neck. Its the weekends, but so what. I dont get to enjoy it.�

so had Pasta with pat at cwp and the stingray pasta tasted more like erm tuna? kinda slimy and weird but funnily tasted quite all right. Haha

Its Phelps on TV now

many times this week, iapos;ll be doing doing doing absorbed in my work and suddenly it will just hit me. Its like the pressure from my work can no longer suppress those inner feelings. And for those moments iapos;ll just suddenly blank out, space out and stare into space before telling myself that i need to get back into perfect mode. Perhaps absorbing myself in my work is my avenue to escape from all that cuz ultimately those problems will never cease to bug me. Ten years down, it will still be the same. Iapos;ve accepted that. I know i cant change that.

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The Dark Knight lived up to most of itapos;s expectations. For one thing, the trailers didnapos;t ruin much of ANYTHING. And Heath Ledgerapos;s performance as joker was phenomenal. The sound they used for Batman smacking people around was great, you could FEEL the punches. However, if thereapos;s one thing I didnapos;t like, it was that fake voice Christian Bale threw on whenever he was in Batman costume, it sounded like he had a sore through and was drunk at the same time. Other than that, it was pretty damn good.

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пятница, 15 августа 2008 г.


I love my job. And i love the people that i work with so this is in no way a reflection of my thoughts on anyone. Remember my thoughts on the misuage of the world LITERALLY? this is similar, so please donapos;t take it too negatively.

sometimes when the receptionist answers the phone she says, "at the current time, we are not taking applications right now." the redundancy makes my ears burn (figuratively not literally). So, to ward off the evil i string together more redundant phrases: at the current time, right this very minute, for the time being, we are not taking applications right now.

this morning on the today show, they were interviewing some commentators on womenapos;s gymnastics. The issue being how bella cafrigginroli (iapos;m not a fan, heapos;s scary; but i like his wife better) accused the chinese team of having underaged athletes. Now, i donapos;t know if its true, i canapos;t imagine that they could really get away with it. They did look really young. When asked why they would lie or what would be the advantage of younger players, all three commenators said that it was because the athletes would not understand the magnitude of importance in the games would just be out there to have a good time and would compete better because of that." HA that is ridiculous. Did you see the look of fear on their faces? their way too thin bodies? they are chinese for goodness sake...they understand the magnitude of these games, probably more than anyone (and the magnitude was probably different for them). Younger might be better because their bodies had not yet fallen victim to the injuries that most always accompany the gymnast. They donapos;t yet have to favor one ankle, knee, shoulder over the other and can go full force. But, still, could you lie about have the team ages? hmmm

i loved the opening ceremonies but was dissappointed in the milli vanilli issue with the little eight year old girl. The one with the voice wasnapos;t "pretty" enough so they chose someone else to be the face of the song she was singing. Grow up with that hanging over your head. "we like your voice, but your face...meh" and the thing is, she was really cute.

be kind, for everyone is in some great struggle.
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Silver-lined Heart // Taylor Mali

Iapos;m for reckless abandon
and spontaneous celebrations of nothing at all,
like the twin flutes I kept in the trunk of my car
in a box labeled Emergency Champagne Glasses

Raise an unexpected glass to long, cold winters
and sweet hot summers and the beautiful confusion of the times in between.
To the unexpected drenching rain that leaves you soaking
wet and smiling breathless;
"We danced in the garden in torn sheets in the rain,"
we were christened in the sanctity of the sprinkler,
canapos;t you hear it singing out its Hallelujah?

Hereapos;s to the soul-expanding power
of the simply beautiful.

See, things you hate, things you despise,
multinational corporations and lies that politicians tell,
injustices that make you mad as hell,
thatapos;s all well and good.
And as far as writing poems goes,
I guess you should.
It just might be a poem that gets Mumia released,
brings an end to terrorism or peace in the middle east.

But as far as what soothes me, what inspires and moves me,
honesty behooves me to tell you your rage doesnapos;t move me.
See, like the darkest of clouds my heart has a silver lining,
which does not hearken to the loudest whining,
but beats and stirs and grows ever more
when I learn of the things youapos;re actually for.

Thatapos;s why Iapos;m for best friends, long drives, and smiles,
nothing but the sound of thinking for miles.
For the unconditional love of dogs:
may we learn the lessons of their love by heart.
For therapy when you need it,
and poetry when you need it.
And the wisdom to know the difference.

The solution to every problem usually involves some kind of liquid,
even if itapos;s only Emergency Champagne
or running through the sprinkler.
Canapos;t you hear it calling you?

Iapos;m for crushes not acted upon, for admiration from afar,
for the delicate and the resilient and the fragile human heart,
may it always heal stronger than it was before.
For walks in the woods, and the for the woods themselves,
by which I mean the trees. Definitely for the trees.
Window seats, and locally brewed beer,
and love letters written by hand with fountain pens:
Iapos;m for all of these.

Iapos;m for evolution more than revolution
unless youapos;re offering some kind of solution.

Iapos;m for the courage it takes to volunteer, to say "yes," "I believe," and "I will."
For the bright side, the glass half full, the silver lining,
and the optimists who consider darkness just a different kind of shining.

So donapos;t waste my time and your curses on verses
about what you are against, despise, and abhor.
Tell me what inspires you, what fulfills and fires you,
put your precious pen to paper and tell me what youapos;re for
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personal hygiene while in the kitchen


Susanapos;s first moleskine (lined)
10/9/07 - 8/12/08
fill of bullshit, but an improvement on the previous ones
you will be sorely missed.
now i need a new one.
(iapos;m thinking no lines this time.
call me a cunt but i like moleskine. >>)

itapos;s really perfect timing. The last entry in it is the first entry that i wrote after my whole decision-episode about writing and broadcasting etc. Perfect timing.

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lyrics to forever young alphaville

Fri-�I started with a run/walk. Messed around on the computer. When Tom got home we rode our bikes to Midt0wn on the lake and salads.�On the way�home we stopped off at Alapos;s to see how his bathroom was coming along. We hadnapos;t seen it since tearing the wall out and replacing it. He bought a new tub and had his son-in-law over�with his construction employer over there working on putting the�tub in.�We left after about an hour,�after the third�unsuccessful attempt at putting�it in. Tom was hoping to learn something, but there wasnapos;t really any room for anyone but the workers to be in the bathroom. Then we went home and Tom watched some of the Olympics with Blake and I just snoozed on the couch.

Sat- I went over to�my house to wash my truck. Water restrictions are lifted on sat for my house.�As I was leaving Jason called to say that he lost the key to�the house and couldnapos;t get in, so could I leave it unlocked.�So I did. I�rode my bike back over there with the intent of washing it also, but when I got there I didnapos;t feel like it. I sat down and talked to Jason or rather vented to Jason about a few fustrations that I was having that day. He was�very sweet and listened to me and then I went�back to Tomapos;s. We both went to the pool for awhile. Then we rode our bikes up to Macapos;s grill in Cornelius for a suprise b-day party for my former partner,�George.�It was a very subdued party, but I finally got to meet his fiance, whom I was not impressed with at all. She wasnapos;t�very friendly at all. Very different from the people George�usually hangs out with.�

Sun- another uneventful day. More relaxation. Canapos;t really say what I did.

Mon- my last involutary night shift. YEAH Of course, it got�screwed up. I had put in for vacation for this week prior to the shift change, so when the change occurred it cancelled�all but monapos;s�vacation shift. I made sure to email the apos;vacationapos; person to cancel Mon. Why would I�want just one day??? Well, the ball got dropped, as usual.�Amber called�early on and asked why I wasnapos;t working, so I called in but by then they had already covered my�original shift with Amber. I got stuck on�an�20:15(8:15) truck, but I told the�scheduler that I couldnapos;t work that late in the morning so I got off at my regular time and took 2hrs�of vacation. Not a bad shift though, only two insignificant calls. ��

Tue- Slept for about 3 hrs. Then�rode my bike up to Salisbury to get it inspected and took the opportunity to see my Julie. The plan was for us to drive up to Morrow mtn and hike. Little did I realize that she isnapos;t much of a hiker. We drove up there and hike around the top for about 30-40min. Not bad, but just not what I had in mind. I am trying to get ready for the�Grand Canyon in Nov afterall. Anyway, we had a�good visit and she really needed some girl time, she is having boy problems, and i stress boy. He�manfriend is acting totally�like a boy. I told her she coudl the�phrase "Men are stoopid, throw rocks at them." One I learned�from Karo�after leaving Rick. Sorry, David you are definitely an exception to the rule. They just donapos;t make them like you and Papaw anymore.�

Wed- My first day shift rotation. Sitting in Pineville for 2hrs waiting for my first call.�Waiting to get the job done...

Caio peeps

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среда, 13 августа 2008 г.

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Sheesh, i donapos;t EVEN know where to begin.
life is transitioning forward more and more each day.
progress is being made in my life, and i
barely have to lift a finger and anything i want
will happen. I have such amazing, loving, wonderful
family members who just want me, john, and oliver
to have the best possible life that can be had.
i know right, me... Actually appreciating my family
and all they do for me. Crazy but now, i have johnapos;s
family who does way more than their share of enough for us,
my family who tries so hard but often gets put on the
back burner, and my new family thatapos;s just beginning.

4 days ago i am officially halfway into my pregnancy.
can you believe it? i sure as heck cant. The past five
months have flown by, and yeah, sammi, you were right.
it is funny how drastically things change over just a mere
couple of months. And iapos;m gonna go ahead and get this out
while iapos;m thinking about it. Itapos;s probably me changing that� you
were most likely referring to, and im sorry to say that thereapos;s not
alot i would go back and do different. Sure, it makes me sad sometimes
that i canapos;t really hang out with the girls anymore, but sacrifices
have to be made. I mean, i have a family to worry about now.
you guys will all hopefully understand one day. Donapos;t get me wrong at all...
i still love you (sammi, lol), stephanie, and jessi more than i can
even express and i AM sorry that things went the way they have with
all of our friendships. But you three need to stick together at least for me.
donapos;t let any bullshit or nothinapos; come between yall. Everyone needs
to be needed and loved :) no matter what happens down the road,
iapos;ll never forget any of you. Maybe someday things will be different.
but for now, iapos;ve got a lot of growing up to do. I love you three though.<3
and youapos;ll all be invited to my baby shower. The choice to attend is yours.

and john if you read this, please donapos;t give me no guilt trip about missing
these girls. Because they were all i had for over a year. Love and
memories arenapos;t gonna fade that fast. My life centers around you now
and they obviously know that, so shush before you even start :p

Jacob Oliver Bradley. Little mister, they keep changing his due date around.
now theyapos;re saying December 26th instead of the 24th. Iapos;m just so ready to
meet him, and super scared about labor and delivery. I know iapos;ll be alright though.
i always have been, and always will be. Itapos;s so exciting, really. Iapos;ve started feeling kicks
and iapos;m finally actually gaining some pregnancy weight which ainapos;t so exciting :p
i have another ultrasound this friday and theyapos;re gonna make sure heapos;s developing okay.
i went to the doctor with Grandma Jean yesterday and she got to hear the heartbeat.
itapos;s like, 155 beats a minute which is like, double what ours is. Creepy but the doctor said
as far as she could tell by outside measurements and everything that he looked to be
just about the right size. He does have a big olapos; head though :p

never ever ever ever ever ever ever get an apartments/house/place to live in
without scouting the location first. Hotdamn, Crossroads looked dandy when we first
decided to move in, but shit, that place is god awful. Weapos;ve been there since January
and weapos;ve just now found a suitable place to bring the baby home to. Itapos;s a 2 bedroom and
2 bathroom trailer out in Piedmont, and itapos;s freakinapos; humongous. And itapos;s cheaper than our apartment.
we have a yard, washer/dryer connections, a big olapos; tub like Sisterapos;s, and a helluva lot more room
than in that teeny apartment. The next two weeks are gonna be kinda hectic probably, with all the
packing and moving trips back and forth, but it will be worth it when we get all settled away from
all the city noise and nigs. Iapos;ve been so anxious to get out of that apartment. And since john got
his old job back at Freeman, we have lots of monies again and we can get out of there.

damn this is quite a journal entry mayneee. Itapos;s like, almost 8:00 am and we gotta go pay
the security deposit for the new house in like, 2 hours and then breakfast at Cracker Barrel.
ROFL john has to work :D mmmbaconz.


orchard heights winery, polaroid 8 portable dvd.