понедельник, 6 апреля 2009 г.

jelly beans skating ring

Turned in the Snarry-A-Thon artwork this morning. Iapos;m so glad I finished it and got it named and turned in on time. I spent the entire night/morning doing the finishing touches and struggling to come up with a title and summary for it that would suit. Unfortunately when youapos;re tired after so much work it gets harder to think of something witty, haha.

I think the end result was good, though, and Iapos;m so glad I got it out of the way. Now I just canapos;t wait for the fest to get posted. Thatapos;s always the worst part for me -- the wait. You wait a few days until posting start and then a few days longer for your work to be posted all the while keeping your fingers crossed that itapos;ll get a good reception by the others in the community. Especially with my art.

Tomorrow is the day before my wisdom teeth come out. Yeah, I know itapos;s pretty late for me to get them out but my previous dentist (up until recently) had basically done jack shit about them and hadnapos;t really informed me that there might be a problem. Thankfully, Iapos;ve switched dentists and my new dentist pointed out that my wisdom teeth are placed in such a way that they could damage my other teeth.

Itapos;s only the two upper teeth since the lower two never formed, and Iapos;ve been told that thatapos;ll be easier and less painful. I am worried, though about having to eat soft foods for several days. After what I went through last year I definitely donapos;t want to spend 4 or more days on soft foods and liquids. I just donapos;t like them. The idea of the pain doesnapos;t bother me nearly as much as this and the possibility of me becoming nauseous from the medication and/or throwing up. Gross.

Well, I slept for a few hours today because I was up apos;til 1 p.m. I didnapos;t get that much sleep, though, so Iapos;m probably gonna go back to sleep and then get back to work.
jelly beans skating ring, jelly beans skating raleigh, jelly beans skating center cary.

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