You can stick your stupid lovey dovey Valentines day up your collective asses
I donapos;t give a monkeyapos;s ratchet that I have no one to cuddle up to
And why donapos;t I care, you ask Iapos;m getting my referal to CX GIC. Iapos;ve just got off the phone with the guy from the mental health and heapos;s said that I have a good chance of getting funding too.
Heapos;s told them that it would be in my own interest if I was seen by CX GIC.
**Falls to her knees and praise Hallelujah**
I feel strangely disconnected now but in a good way
I feel like Iapos;ve put a crossroads behind me on my journey through my sad, pathetic life
thumping sound in ear, thumping sound, thumping noise in ear, thumping noise, thumping in time.
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