вторник, 28 апреля 2009 г.

marcia angell email

I have enough things to occupy me. Damn. I got my fricken GAS turned off today b/c i couldnapos;t pay the bill. Mn cold weather rule goes out of effect on 4/1. I donapos;t need the heat, but taking a shower in ice cold water SUCKS, and no laundry since i have a gas dryer. I wish this could have waited til after my concert.

sometimes it is just damn difficult keeping all the plates spinning at once.

marcia angell email, marcia angell harvard, marcia angell m.d., marcia angell md, marcia backstrom.

суббота, 25 апреля 2009 г.

staci moore

Okay, so let me start of by saying; i know i shouldnapos;t have put myself in this situation in the first place. If you know me, you know i do stupid things.
Iapos;m starting to fall for a man who I know is going to break my heart.
Heapos;s "married".
Iapos;m not dumb enough to think heapos;s going to leave his wife.
I know heapos;s not, but for some reason I cannot make myself stay away.
She has NOTHING�on me, and I know this.
Unfortunately, he doesnapos;t.
I can show this man a love that heapos;s never known.
He deserves to know my love.
Unconditional love.
REAL love.
I love so much about him, that it would take me all night, and about 6 posts to get it all out.
One thing that really irritates me, is the only reason heapos;s with her is because he thinks heapos;s with her for a reason.
What if that reason was to meet me?
Yes, our situation is completely twisted.
When Iapos;m not with him, I miss him.
I know that right now, heapos;s lying in bed, sleeping next to her.
Sheapos;s in my spot.
I feel like I need him.
I know I donapos;t need him, but i feel like it.
He makes me so happy.
Everybody that knows us, and sees us together, knows we care about each other.
Neither one of us has to say anything, but if weapos;re with someone who doesnapos;t know about us, they always ask.
You can see it.
You can feel it.
I love him, I just wish I could love him completely.
I refuse to let myself "fall" for him.
If and when he becomes mine, Iapos;ll let myself fall for him.
If and when that happens, I know weapos;ll make each other happy.
He says all the time "I am you, and you are me".
We are so much the same.
We think the same.
We act the same.
I really wish he could feel what itapos;s like to be with me.
I love him.
From the bottom of my heart.
I miss him.
I only want him for him,
but one thingapos;s for damn sure;
I want him.
I miss my baby.

staci moore, staci noel, staci noel pictures.

понедельник, 20 апреля 2009 г.

long island plastic surgeons

Ever since my main Gaia account was hacked in October, Iapos;ve been posting with my mule account.� Well, this time my mule account was hacked.� Not much was taken, but Iapos;m aware that they could simply come back for more like the hacker last time did.� Iapos;m angry, of course, and ready to quit Gaia, but I simply havenapos;t put as much time or effort into this account as the previous.� Or money.� I donapos;t know how to keep this from happening, when Iapos;m not following any links posted by people I donapos;t trust and my software scans pick up nothing.� Itapos;s only frustrating that thereapos;s no way to get justice for the robbery of my time and hard work.�

Greg doesnapos;t think I have a keylogger or anything.� He thinks itapos;s a problem with Gaiaapos;s security.� After all, an Admin got hacked during the Easter event.

Despite the initial upset, Iapos;m really okay.� I learned my lesson the first time and havenapos;t been putting anything into Gaia except with the forums.� I might have worked hard on the most recent event, but it wasnapos;t years of special events this time.� More like a week of thinking I might finally move on from being hacked.

On the plus side, I went to use my Best Buy gift card to cheer myself up.� I bought a cool wrist support thing for my mouse hand, the entire Black Cat anime series, and the first 13 episodes of Ouran Host club.� Yes, I know I already own the whole series of Ouran but those bootleg Chinese subs are awful.� Theyapos;re as amusing as a fat person on a treadmill facing McDonalds through the window, but sometimes you just want to watch the series.

Oh, and I got my hair cut really short, since I was tired of getting my eyeball poked out by my bangs.� Plus itapos;s supposed to get into the 90apos;s this weekend.� Itapos;s a huge jump since yesterday was in the 50apos;s� Anyway, Iapos;d take a picture but itapos;s flipping out crazy on one side since Iapos;ve got natural waves.

long island plastic surgeons, long island plastic surgery, long island plastic surgery center.

воскресенье, 19 апреля 2009 г.

wholesale model car kits

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суббота, 18 апреля 2009 г.


Tanja en de jongens

Tanja glimlachd. Vast iets leuks. Ja Laurens zegt vast iets leuks, zoals het een goede 3xL-jongen betaamt...

Tanja heeft een auditie gedaan voor een rol van HET RECHT OP GELUK. En Tanja vind Laurens erg leuk en hij pas helemaal bij het 3xL-jongen dat zijn tippen die een jongen moet volbrengen om een goede jongen te zijn. En volgens Tanja is die dat helemaal. Tanja heeft gewonnen bij de auditie dus, ze mag de rol spelen, Tanja is heel erg blij maar, wat zou Laurens er van zeggen dat zou ze willen weten. Marjan is heel erg blij voor Tanja dat ze heeft gewonnen en nu zijn ze op weg naar huis en in de auto vraagt Tanja af wat Laurens gaat zeggen.....

nonfusion, nonfutile, nonfuturistic, nonfuturition, nonfuturity.

понедельник, 6 апреля 2009 г.

jelly beans skating ring

Turned in the Snarry-A-Thon artwork this morning. Iapos;m so glad I finished it and got it named and turned in on time. I spent the entire night/morning doing the finishing touches and struggling to come up with a title and summary for it that would suit. Unfortunately when youapos;re tired after so much work it gets harder to think of something witty, haha.

I think the end result was good, though, and Iapos;m so glad I got it out of the way. Now I just canapos;t wait for the fest to get posted. Thatapos;s always the worst part for me -- the wait. You wait a few days until posting start and then a few days longer for your work to be posted all the while keeping your fingers crossed that itapos;ll get a good reception by the others in the community. Especially with my art.

Tomorrow is the day before my wisdom teeth come out. Yeah, I know itapos;s pretty late for me to get them out but my previous dentist (up until recently) had basically done jack shit about them and hadnapos;t really informed me that there might be a problem. Thankfully, Iapos;ve switched dentists and my new dentist pointed out that my wisdom teeth are placed in such a way that they could damage my other teeth.

Itapos;s only the two upper teeth since the lower two never formed, and Iapos;ve been told that thatapos;ll be easier and less painful. I am worried, though about having to eat soft foods for several days. After what I went through last year I definitely donapos;t want to spend 4 or more days on soft foods and liquids. I just donapos;t like them. The idea of the pain doesnapos;t bother me nearly as much as this and the possibility of me becoming nauseous from the medication and/or throwing up. Gross.

Well, I slept for a few hours today because I was up apos;til 1 p.m. I didnapos;t get that much sleep, though, so Iapos;m probably gonna go back to sleep and then get back to work.
jelly beans skating ring, jelly beans skating raleigh, jelly beans skating center cary.

пятница, 3 апреля 2009 г.

wim mix

I am trying to apply for training in the A+ field as entry level and move up from there, part of the requirements consist of directly contacting potential employers who can answer some basic questions.

Whoever is currently in the IT - Help Desk/ Computer Repair, I could use some contacts to finish this final part of the assessment. Doesnapos;t cost any money, preferrably an employer that doesnapos;t require US�Citizenship at this specific point.

wim mix, wim mertens torrent, wim mertens struggle for pleasure.