понедельник, 19 января 2009 г.

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I went to the funeral home with my parents tonight. Long ago my mom used to babysit for three boys. We got to be really close with their whole family. Their grandfather passed away this week. I hadnapos;t seen them since 2005. All three boys are so grown up now, and it is just crazy and bizarre. They are all tall gorgeous and brilliant successful, and i am just SO proud of them. Even tho the circumstances sucked, it was really great to see them all.

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пятница, 16 января 2009 г.

taekwon do pic

Since I pulled an all-nighter and this day has been pretty bad so far, I thought I should leave the floor to you guys.

Ask me seven questions. Not just any seven questions though. No, to keep it interesting, use the seven questions as per below - just copy and paste the following, replace the blanks with something you want to know/ask (e.g. 3. Donkeys or sandcastles and why?), anything you want, personal, silly, surreal or deep, comment away and Iapos;ll answer honestly as I can Then post this in your own LJ and see what kind of things people want to ask you

1. What do you think of _____________ ?
2. When did you last ____________?
3. __________ or ___________ and why?
4. What did you ______________?
5. Whatapos;s your favorite ______________?
6. How would you ______________?
7. Who would you most like to ________ ?

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среда, 7 января 2009 г.

paris lopen tour

Woke up this morning to my sister screaming to my mum. She had a spider in her bedroom, and was screaming the place down. Sheapos;s 14 years old, and it was just one miniscule spider. She even called my dad on his mobile to come and get the spider out of her room. I donapos;t know what time it was, but it must have been quite early, cause i was still really sleepy.

anyway, enough of that randomness, iapos;m meant to be going out to wetherspoons tonight with my friends toni, georgina, stacey and jess, who i havenapos;t spoke to for ages. I think sheapos;s at uni now. I honestly donapos;t know if i can be bothered to go, i was out wednesday night for new year, and iapos;ve only just caught up on my sleep. But, yapos;know, i havenapos;t seen jess, stacey or georgina for ages, itapos;d be rude not to go. Iapos;ll have toni texting me sometime today, asking me if iapos;m coming tonight.

ahh yeah if i do go i can have a mojito.
best cocktail ever <3.

iapos;m listening to apos;this is meapos; from camp rock right now <3
how hot is joe jonas in that film? *drools*

i so want to change my layout. This is the fourth one iapos;ve had, and i think itapos;s pretty dull. I donapos;t like it. I want something pretty and colourful. Iapos;m going to try and find a decent layout by the end of today. Iapos;m not going to sit on the computer all day just looking for a lj layout. That would be a little bit sad

but if anyone knows any good lj layout websites, just leave me a comment cause i so hate the layout i have at the moment. Iapos;ll probably have already changed it in about an hours time, i donapos;t know yet.


i want to take a picture of the garden right now. It looks so beautiful, the sun shining in the sky, the frost covering all the trees and the grass, it just looks like a picture that could be on a postcard. Apart from the greenhouse ()

i never wanted everything to end this way, but you could take the bluest sky and turn it grey.


ahh i love mcfly

lots of love


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